Chapter One

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The open house at Windywings was always chaos. But Hazel liked it. She loved meeting the families, talking with the parents of her students and getting to know new kids who would be joining her classes when school started next week.

Sky was there, serving tea from her Boiled and Brewed booth. A quaint amethyst ring sparkled on her finger. It had been no surprise when Sky had accepted Aiden's proposal last year. Hazel had seen it coming the moment Sky and Aiden set eyes on each other.

Bryony was there as well, with Sean in tow. They still pestered each other with little biting kisses and a gleam of competitive edge in their eyes.

Bryony was showing a group of young potential students how to conjure a mushroom from a pot of dirt without a single spore to help it along. She was brilliant at earth magic and Hazel was thrilled that Bryony decided to sign on at Windywings as a full-time teacher.

Sean placed his hand at the small of Bryony's back and rested his cheek atop her head. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, looking as if there was nowhere else he'd rather be than by her side.

A pinch settled in Hazel's stomach and she turned away. She had always thrown herself into her work and she rarely had time for a serious relationship. But she still caught herself pining for romance at the most inopportune and inconvenient moments.

Someone cleared their throat. Hazel glanced up from her clipboard to see a man standing before her with a little girl at his side. He wore a plain gray t-shirt that clung to his broad shoulders well. The little girl had long dark hair and striking blue eyes. She glared at Hazel from beneath the wide brim of a witch's hat.

"Are you Hazel Aven?" the man said.

"Yes. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Nick Butler. This is my daughter, Phoebe. I'd like to enroll her for the school year."

"Of course. We'd be happy to have you. Just fill out this paperwork and bring it back on the first day of school. That would be next Monday."

She handed over a stack of papers.

"Great," Nick replied. "Phoebe and I love what you've done here—"

"No, I don't," Phoebe said, insulted.

"Phoebe," Nick warned. "Be nice."

She pulled her hand away from him and crossed her arms.

"I don't want to go here," she said. "I want to go to a normal school."

Nick sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We've talked about this, honey."

Phoebe turned away, sullen and silent.

Hazel ducked her head to hide a smile. "I get that all the time. More than you would believe."

Nick raised his eyebrows with a grateful look. "You'd think kids would want to go to a magical school."

Hazel shrugged. "It's still school. There's homework involved."

Nick smiled. Hazel's breath hitched slightly before she looked away.

Don't, she thought. Do not let yourself fall for a handsome face. You have work to do.

"Tell me, Mr. Butler," she said. "Are you new in town?"

"Please, it's just Nick. And no, I live on the edge of Wildemoor. I have a garage there. I fix up cars for, you know, regular, non-magic using people. My wife is the witch. Phoebe got magic from her."

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