Chapter Seventeen

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Hazel had never been so happy in her entire life. She felt as if she was floating, constantly giddy with a smile on her face. She'd never behaved this way before but she didn't want it to stop either.

When Hazel and Nick had told Phoebe, there was a long silence. Then Phoebe squinted at Hazel.

"Do I have to call you Mama?" she demanded.

"No," Hazel replied. "You can continue to call me Miss Aven."

Phoebe twisted her mouth to the side and tapped two fingers on the kitchen table top.

"Do I have to give up my room?" she said.

"No," Nick said, bewildered. "Why would you think that?"

Phoebe shrugged. Her gaze shifted over to the kitchen counter than back to Hazel.

"Could you teach me how to cast baking spells?" she said. "Especially for apple pie cupcakes?"

Hazel raised her eyebrows and glanced at Nick. He spread his hands.

"Don't look at me," he said. "I didn't teach her to drive a hard bargain like that. She figured it out all on her own."

Hazel fixed her gaze on Phoebe.

"That depends," she said. "Do you like a crumble topping on your cupcakes? Or do you prefer a fruit pattern?"

"Crumble," Phoebe said with a sharp nod. "With lots of brown sugar."

"That's the only proper way to eat a cupcake," Hazel said.

The smallest smile twitched across Phoebe's face before she ducked her head and pushed away from the kitchen table.

"Can I go play now, Daddy?" she said.

"Sure thing, sweetheart. I appreciate that you listened."

She shrugged and a pleased flush colored her cheeks. Then she scrambled up the stairs in search of Luna.

"That went better than I expected," Nick admitted.

"Is that a good thing?" Hazel said, hopefully.

Nick slid his chair a little closer with a smile. "Definitely a good thing."


For the following week, Hazel caught only glimpses of Nick when he came by the school house to drop off or pick up Phoebe. Every muscle in her body itched to go to him, to kiss him until neither one of them could breathe.

But she had a job she had to take care of first. And they had both agreed to keep their displays of affection to a minimum for a little while, in order to give Phoebe time to adjust.

As the days slipped into October, every witch and warlock in Wildemoor was preparing for the Samhain celebration at the end of the month. Autumn hung crisp in the air, damp with dew, sharp with woodsmoke, and sweet with home baked goods.

With Samhain and autumn intertwined, it marked the change of summer into fall, the growing season into the harvest season. It was a time to celebrate but also a time to reflect on what changes the new year would bring.


In only a few short weeks, it seemed change had been pelting Hazel left and right. And this new change, becoming an even bigger part of Nick and Phoebe's lives, was one that she found herself welcoming with open arms.

On Friday night, after Hazel had locked up the school and sent the last of the students home for the weekend, she turned and stopped. Nick was leaning against his truck, hands tucked in his pockets. He wore a flannel coat of red and black that made him look soft and warm.

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