Chapter Two

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The Windywings schoolhouse was cozy and small. It always felt like a second home to Hazel. Ever since she was little, she adored the neat row of desks, the rustic clay pots lined up on the windowsill, spilling over with herbs for tea, potions, and spells.

For as long as Hazel could remember, she had wanted nothing more than to be a teacher. Particularly a magical one.

With school starting on Monday, there was plenty of work to be done. Now that the open house was over, she could focus all of her attention on getting the classrooms ready for her students.

Hazel brandished her wand like a weapon and spoke a neat, precise spell. A feather duster appeared in the air, sweeping across every surface in the tiny schoolhouse.

Hazel cast another spell to get the brooms started, clearing away the floor.

"It looks like you don't even need me."

She turned to see Bryony Torres standing in the doorway. She wore a cranberry red sweater that had seen better days and embroidered down one arm in black, scrawling letters, it read, MONSTER. Her witch's hat was slightly askew, perched atop a mass of carrot-orange curls, frizzy from the humid air.

"Of course I need you," Hazel said. "You're my best teacher."

Bryony rolled her eyes. "Apart from you."

She tossed her hat on the rack by the door and tucked her broom against the wall.

"What can I do?" she said.

Hazel gestured down the hall. "Could you check the school library? I'm afraid it was a bit of a mess and I haven't managed to clean it up yet."

Bryony bounced down the hall, eager to be of use. Hazel watched her go with no small amount of envy. Bryony seemed lighter these days now that she'd been dating Sean O'Hara, her old school nemesis turned boyfriend.

They'd had a rocky beginning but it was obvious they were crazy about each other. Everyone could see that. It had only been a matter of time before they worked things out and realized they actually liked each other instead of hated each other's guts.

Hazel sank into a chair, her hand lying flat against the wooden desktop.

Hazel had been schoolmates with Sky Sangrey and Bryony Torres. They grew up together, fumbled through learning spells together. They'd even turned each other into frogs once, all at the same time. Afterwards, they had laughed until there were tears in their eyes over the mistake.

But now, they were growing up. Building lives of their own.

Yes, they'd all stayed in Wildemoor—a sleepy little magical village. And yet it felt as if they were drifting apart, too.

Sky had her own tearoom, Boiled and Brewed. And then she had Aiden Hall, her fiancé.

Bryony was a teacher at Windywings and on occasion, she worked weekends at her family's farm, Pagan Posies, growing herbs and tending the orchard. And she had Sean O'Hara in her life. They always talked about what a big family they would have one day.

And Hazel?

Hazel buried herself in Windywings. She adored her students. She craved the classroom and the schedule, guiding new witches and warlocks to discover the power they held at their fingertips with their magic.

But a small voice in the back of Hazel's mind told her that something was missing.

"You're staring again."

Hazel's head snapped up. Bryony crossed her arms as she leaned on the doorframe, one eyebrow raised. Her riot of curls were loosely tied back at the nape of her neck. But a stray lock of hair spilled over her forehead, landing between her eyes. She brushed it away impatiently.

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