Chapter Twenty

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Hazel and Nick stood on Sky's porch in silence. It seemed a chasm of distance had arisen between them with that letter pushing them apart, even though it was only a few feet that separated them.

Nick blew out a breath as if to steel himself for the conversation ahead.

"Marissa wrote," he said.

"I understand that part," Hazel replied. "Why did she write to you?"


Hazel's breath hitched in her throat. But she forced herself to remain calm. Would Phoebe be taken away from her?

"During the divorce," Nick continued. "Marissa didn't want to put strain on Phoebe by passing her between us every weekend. So she said Phoebe would stay with me and she would just...leave."

Hazel frowned. "A mother disappearing on her child doesn't sound like less strain to me."

Nick put up a hand. "It isn't. I told her that. But I think she just...needed to get away. I was the one who wanted to be a father and she wasn't. When Phoebe came along, she panicked. Didn't know what to do. She was certain that she was causing damage to Phoebe in some way. So she thought it was better that she just...left."

"And now Marissa changed her mind?" Hazel said. "She wants back into Phoebe's life?"

Nick didn't reply right away. "Yes."

That one word was heavy, black, an ugly twisted thing with what it promised for the future—chaos, mayhem, stress.

"She says," Nick went on. "That she made a mistake years ago. She wants to see Phoebe grow up. To help out any way she can."

He sighed and passed a hand over his face.

"I don't trust her, Hazel," Nick said softly in a tired voice. "You've been with Phoebe through thick and thin. But when the going got tough, Marissa bailed. I thought I'd forgiven her for it. I guess I still have some work to do in that department."

Hazel tipped forward on her toes, prepared to reach for Nick's hand and provide comfort. But she needed to know more before she could make contact and allow him into her heart again.

"Why did you hide the letter from me?" she said.

Nick winced. "I didn't mean to...hide it exactly. I'd just read the letter when you got home and I...I wanted to throw it away, to be honest."

That sent a thrill through Hazel's chest. But she immediately squashed it.

"I almost did," Nick continued. "I didn't want to give Marissa a second chance. And I certainly didn't want to gamble with Phoebe. She's doing so well, Hazel. She's smiling. She's happy. She practices spells all day long because she loves magic. And I'm afraid that if I let Marissa back into her life in any way that Phoebe will come crashing down again."

Nick met Hazel's gaze, his eyes shadowed as if to say, I don't know what to do.

But Hazel couldn't give him the answer. At least not the one he wanted.

"Does Phoebe know about the letter?" she said.

Nick shook his head. "No. And I have no intention of telling her."

It would be easy to take that road out of the problem. But Phoebe was strong. And she had Hazel and Nick in her life for support.

"She needs to know," Hazel said.

"Why?" Nick demanded. "I just told you—"

"Your concerns are perfectly reasonable, Nick," Hazel cut in, attempting to soothe his objections before they could ignite. "But Marissa is still Phoebe's mother. Phoebe has a right to understand what is going on and to put in her vote."

Nick turned away, scrubbing at the back of his neck.

"No," he said. "Sorry, but I can't...I don't agree with that."

"Why not?" Hazel said, calm despite Nick's rising agitation.

"Because she's six years old. This is too big of a decision to put on her shoulders."

"I didn't say we're putting the decision on her shoulders. You face this as a family. You've been there for her through nightmares. You've been there to pick her up from school, on the good and bad days. You'll continue to be there for her."

Nick stared at her, studying her face.

"So will you," he said. "You're just as much a part of our family."

Hazel's heart swelled until she felt as if she might burst. Now, finally, she reached out and took Nick's hand.

"Thank you for that," she said. "We'll both tell her and we'll work this out."

"Together," Nick said.

"Together," Hazel agreed. She rested her chin on Nick's shoulder. He leaned his head atop hers. "Marissa is still Phoebe's mother. I'm just as uneasy about this whole thing as you are. But if Marissa means what she says, if she truly wants to be there for Phoebe, then we can't keep Phoebe from her mother."

"And what if Marissa up and walks out again? It would break Phoebe's heart."

"She's a strong girl. And she won't be alone."

Nick raised his head and turned to look at her. He brushed a lock of hair away from the corner of her mouth and his hand came to rest on her cheek.

"I'd expected to have a fight on my hands over this," he said. "But you seem pretty calm about the whole thing."

Hazel huffed. "I've been worried sick ever since I saw that letter."

"Well, you don't show it."

"That's part of being a school teacher. Show an ounce of weakness and the students will take advantage of it."

Nick skimmed his thumb back and forth over her cheekbone as he studied her.

"So," he said. "The dress you were wearing earlier. Is that part of your new school teacher wardrobe?"

Hazel laughed. "Hell's bells, no. It's for Sky's wedding at the Samhain celebration next week."

"Do you have a date yet?" Nick said with a sly little grin. "You can't go to a wedding without a date."

Hazel looped her arm through Nick's elbow.

"I have a few ideas of who I'd like to ask," she said.

"A few ideas?" Nick said, indignant.

Hazel laughed and kissed his cheek.

"But there's only one gentleman who I'm really hoping will accept."

Nick kissed the back of her hand.

"I know for a fact he'll say yes," he said.

Hazel bit the inside of her cheek to hide a smile.

"Then I'll ask him," she said. "Later. Maybe after dinner and some dessert. After we talk to Phoebe."

Nick covered Hazel's hand with both of his, as if she was precious and he wanted to protect her, hold her close and never let anything hurt her.

"Tonight," he said. "As soon as you're finished here."

Hazel nodded. "I'll be a couple more hours though."

"I don't mind. Phoebe and I will keep dinner warm for you."

Nick brushed a stray lock of hair away from her cheek and thumbed at her chin before he tore himself away and returned to his truck.

Hazel watched him leave and waved, waiting until he had turned the corner before she stepped back into Sky's living room.

Sky was wreathed in a pool of frothy white fabric.

"I told you," Bryony said, waving her wand around. "I don't understand the appeal of a dress. How am I supposed to whip one up for you?"

Hazel drew her wand from her back pocket.

"I'll take care of it," she said.

The quicker she finished Sky's dress, the sooner she could sort out this mess with the Butler household.

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