Chapter Eighteen

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Hazel found herself at the Butler household more often than she was at her own home after that. Instead of getting ready for school at home, alone, Hazel would help Nick and Phoebe cook breakfast every morning.

Sometimes, they did it the old-fashioned way without magic. Nick rolled up his sleeves and Phoebe donned an apron that nearly touched the ground, it was so big on her. She wielded a wooden spoon like a scepter, shouting orders for more eggs! More syrup! More salt!

Other times, when they were running late, Hazel and Phoebe would cast spells for jack-o-lantern pancakes, pumpkin orange and peppered with chocolate chips in the shape of a grinning face.

Every morning, Phoebe attempted to sneak Luna into her backpack and bring her to school. It wasn't unusual for witches and warlocks to bring their familiars to school with them. In most cases, it was helpful when spells became more complicated.

But Phoebe didn't need Luna yet. She simply wanted to play with her kitten instead of focusing on her lessons.

"Looks like you're carrying a heavy load today," Hazel said, every morning like clockwork. She pointed her wand at Phoebe's backpack.

Nick paused, leaning against the counter, nursing a cup of coffee. He never noticed when Phoebe smuggled Luna away. But Hazel did. Every time.

She zapped a small spell at Phoebe's backpack. The zipper uncurled and Luna poked her head out.

Nick crossed the room to pick up Luna and tucked her into the crook of his arm.

"Nice try, kiddo," he said.

"Aw, come on," Phoebe sighed. "Other kids bring their familiars."

"Because their lessons require the extra assistance," Hazel pointed out. "You haven't reached that stage yet. You still have some catching up to do."

Phoebe huffed and zipped up her backpack again. She cast a beseeching glance at Nick. But he just shook his head.

"Don't look at me like that, sweetie," he said. "Hazel is your teacher. She knows what she's talking about. No distractions. Luna will be waiting for you when you get home."

He set his cup of coffee aside and set Luna in her cat bed beside the stove—the warmest, coziest part of the house.

Nick held his arms wide.

"Now," he said. "It's time for my girls to give me a good-bye hug."

Hazel and Phoebe crowded in around him and kissed his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around them both. Hazel took the split second of opportunity to nuzzle against Nick's neck, to nose at his earlobe with a teasing little kiss. He always shivered, just a little, and Hazel hummed in victory.

Then she tore herself away and gathered up her broomstick along with Phoebe's from the rack by the door.

"All right, Phoebe," she said. "We'd better get moving before we're the last ones to show up."

Phoebe accepted her broom and clattered out the door. Nick caught Hazel's fingers in a light grip and brushed his knuckles along her cheek. He rested his forehead against hers.

"Have a good day at school," he said softly.

Hazel wanted nothing more than to melt right into him, to stay in that moment for eternity. But she pulled away with a final squeeze to his hand.

"Try to stay out of trouble while I'm gone," she said.

"No promises there," Nick countered.

Phoebe launched off of the porch and sailed into the air with a whoop, flying higher on her broomstick. She glanced over her shoulder with a wave to Nick. He waved back from the doorway.

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