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Thank you to all who will follow me on this journey. While I know most of the story like the back of my hand, I am still exploring it with you! The ins and outs of characters and the town itself are still coming together. You, the reader, are what drives me to tell this beautifully tragic tale, I want to shock you, amaze you and make you cry (in a good way). I hope you can use this story as an escape yet still allowing you to be grounded in reality.

I encourage all to leave comments, whether they be constructive criticism or ones of love but please be respectful as the heart and soul of writers go into their stories.
Every writer needs feedback and I will happily accept any and all.

The story's origin:
This novel is set in the real world, in real-time but in a fictional town. The story started as one about witches and how they gained their power. After much deliberation with me, myself and I, it has transformed into something completely different, nothing like I first imagined would happen. I have been wanting to do a novel that emerges the reader in the real, gritty world but still offers the chance for an escape and so I present you with 'Isle of Salt'.

I aim to display my characters in such a light that you will be able to relate to them in one way or another. While they will be relatable and real 3D people who have their faults, there will be an aspect that allows you to escape from the real world. What will this be? Read to find out! It's not what you would think...

Not only am I giving you reality and an escape, but I wish to give you readers something fresh and unseen on Wattpad, a novel that attempts to avoid as many stereotypes as possible. While I will try my best to steer away from the most common clichès, it is impossible to use none at all. If there is a stereotype you would hate me to use, leave a comment:)
If there is a stereotype you would love to see then you can request or inquire to see if I'm going to use it. I want you to be as much a part of this process as I am. I want to immerse you in the story as much as possible.

'Isle of Salt' is exactly what you would expect and exactly what you would not.

I love a character-driven novel, they allow you to connect to the story on a deeper level. And so, the following are a brief description of the people you will be following on this journey;

Catarina (Catia): Born and raised in England, Catia is a strong-minded woman, with a foul mouth. While still kind, she can come across as abrupt and sarcastic with a wickedly dark sense of humour. Having had a difficult upbringing, Catia has learnt to rely on herself for most things, but yet she is still desperately searching for somewhere or someone to call home.

Elouise (Ellia): Having had an abusive father and a loving white stepmother, Ellia has seen it all. She will open her home and heart to any and all, despite her traditional views. While her heart is in the right place, she will do anything to keep food on the table and the roof over her head, illegal or not.

Andrèas: Having lived two lives, his childhood in Point Reneè with his uncle Toby and his adult life in London working as a detective in the homicide command, Andrèas has become numb to the horrors of the world, or at least that's what he thinks. He tries to fight against his will to show his true self as past experiences show how dangerous it can be but he can't help to eventually open up.

Unknown; A cold-blooded killer, or so thought. They said it was an accident, it was the wrong person but they cannot take back their actions now. They are the spark that starts the flame and the gasoline that keeps it burning. How did they get into this mess? Is there still a chance for them to clean their hands of blood?

Gregorius: An older gentleman that has prospered in Point Reneè since he was a young man who now owns the largest estate of the Isle. While fiercely protective of his family, Gregarious is a man not to be messed with. Known for his sheer willpower, many have tried to avoid his scorn but have failed miserably. And how has he made his empire? Many do not know and many have fallen a slave to it.

Graham: Liking his alcohol a little too much, Graham is always trying not to give in to his temptation of drinking until he can't see straight. While strong in will, Graham's enemy is not himself, but outside forces. Determined to keep himself on the right side of the law for once in his life, Graham will do anything to keep the blame off of him.

Reader involvement;
I encourage all to follow the novels Instagram, as I have a surprise once I have gained more followers; I will hold a competition for my fellow readers, where you can suggest a character to make an appearance, or you can be the character!
The more you are involved in the novel and the more I see your presence (comments etc), the more likely you are to win!

Social media:
For more information on the book, or if you wish to star as a character in the novel, follow the interactive Instagram account to discover the mystery and bring the story to life!

IG: isleofsalt

If you wish to find out more about who I am as an individual, follow my personal Instagram account!

IG: Briannamayyyy

I hope you all enjoy this journey as much as I have loved writing it.

Extended introduction

Catarina De La Fente has had abnormal abilities since she was a small child, where her body has allowed her to do strange things and survive adverse occurrences. These abilities, while strangely beautiful, come at a steep price. Monsters haunt her mind and torture her soul, causing seizures and attacks. She tried to remedy the beasts but to doctors, she was a medical mystery. Fleeing the bitterness of England, Catia heads to a remote isle off the coast of Louisiana in search for her aunt, the last hope to rid the creatures from her body. 

Upon her arrival in Point Reneé, the small hauntingly beautiful isle is not all that it seems. Years old secrets stir as a dead body is caught in a fishing net, threatening to drag the town's dark history into the light. While the victim is a stranger to Catia, she can't help but feel a strange pull towards them, as if the woman's soul had merged with her own. As a detective arrives on her doorstep, Catia must embark on a journey to find the woman's killer as fingers begin to point towards her as the murderer.

As she digs through gritty lies, she finds that the people of Point Reneè are not all they seem, their ancestors have been burnt at the stake as witches, but witches they are not. There is no such thing. They are simply...evolved.

Catia must come to terms with her abilities and what she really is if she is to have any chance at clearing her name and saving her soul.

And so begins a beautifully tragic tale...

Isle Of SaltOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara