Chapter Three

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Catia hadn't noticed how high she was until she was stepping down the spiralling stairs, letting her hand trail down the cold metal railing. Noticing the old scuff marks left on the cascade of felted steps, she wondered how old the house was, the inside was as worn as the old peeling boards on the outside. As she stepped off the last rise, she glanced around the room and did not recognise it to be the ground floor.

'Did you put me in the attic?' Catia called to her aunt who had already begun to descend to the next level. Hastily following, the scent of food struck her nose which caused a loud grumble to vibrate from her stomach, and so, she rushed to the kitchen.

Coming to a stop at the entrance, Catia watched as a tall man fiddled with a pan and a few plates. She could only see the back of him but knew by the width of his shoulders that he was an avid swimmer. This was not something Catia could relate, while she could swim, and quite well, she wasn't one for daily salt or chlorine baths.

'Catia! Sit.' Glancing to the dining table, she watched as her aunt tapped vigorously on the seat beside her. There was a tingle on the side of her face, and as she turned, she found him staring at her with the brightest of blue eyes. Corners of his mouth turned upwards as they locked gaze but as Catia's face creased into a frown, he looked away.

Turning back to his pan, he said; 'Y'all must be Catia, lovely to meet you.'

Catia noticed that he spoke with a hint of the southern accent as she moved towards the table.

Ellia and Lewin exchanged pleasant conversation during the meal while Catia sat in silence, admiring the oddly furnished dining room. Strange symbols were knitted on quilts and hung on the walls, while patterned plates and cups were displayed on shelving. Bringing her attention back to the conversation, she glanced at the man sitting across from. Her stomach sunk and her throat begun to tighten, she didn't trust Lewin, something told her he was not all he seemed. The smile he put on was for show, or at least she thought it was?

'So, Catia, tell me about yourself.' Lewin directed his attention to her as he lifted the glass bottle of beer to his lips. Shrugging, Catia spoke,

'Nothing to know came from England and now I'm here.' She watched as his glance flicked toward her aunt, she could almost feel the woman rolling her eyes.

'Well, how long y'all here for?' There was a pause, Catia hadn't thought of how long she'd be with her aunt, she supposed however long it took for Ellia to cure her of her attacks.

'We shall see.'

After helping to clean the dinner dishes, Lewin announced it was time for him to leave.

'Catia, why don't y'all walk him to his boat, ain't far to go.'

Huffing, Catia followed Lewin out the door. The night air was fresh, goosebumps prickled upon her skin. Following the blond man down steps, she paused as she reached the grass. She couldn't see the ocean, yet the air smelt of sea salt, she could taste it on her lips and hear the waves breaking in the distance. The melodic rushing of water filled her head, it relieved the sick feeling in her gut. Just as she was closing her eyes a warm hand grasped her arm. Flinching, she snapped her head around to find Lewin smiling at her,

'Beautiful ain't it? Come,' falling in step beside the man, Catia felt the sinking sensation in her gut return.

'So, you own a boat huh?' Catia only asked to be polite.

'I own multiple,'

'Oh, so you're a rich prick who has multiple yachts? I'm surprised you didn't gloat more at dinner.' A slight chuckle came from the man and as she glanced at him, she noticed his strong jawline was shadowed and enhanced by the moonlight. Shaking her head to dispel the image, she reminded herself she was in no place for any kind of relationship.

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