Chapter Five

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The first rays of sunlight had found its way through the window. Ellia peered out the glass as she took a sip of her tea from her hand-painted teacup. Mist rose from the trees as the dew drops began to evaporate. The weather was turning, quite rapidly this year, she wondered what it would bring with it. Mother nature never does anything without a purpose.

Turing from the sink, Ellia placed the cup down on the island bench and peered inside. The leaves where scattered, an unusual reading this morning. They told her that the sun would shine but the day would be dark. Frowning, she sometimes wondered why she wouldn't just practice voodoo, it would give her more clarity than her early morning consultation with tea leaves. Leaving the cup in the kitchen, she moved to where her wide-brimmed yellow hat was hung. She grasped her handbag of the same colour and proceeded out the door.

Waiting at the end of the driveway, she watched as the bus came to a juddering stop.

Climbing aboard, she smiled at the driver, 'Good morin' Mr Haymesworth,'

'Good Mornin' Ellouise,' The old shrivelled man flashed a gummy smile.

'Did y'all forget your teeth again?'

'Nope, I was fishin' early this mornin' when one of the crawfish that I caught bit ma finger, it scared me so much, my teeth fell out and into the water.' Ellia let a laugh escape as the man bared a toothless grin, 'Now, where yous off to?'

'Just the usual stops, my niece arrived yesterday.' Sitting on the torn seats, she crossed her legs and rearranged her skirt. Haymesworth pushed the stick shift into gear and the bus jolted forward.


As Ellia passed under the archway that led into the nursery, she could feel the cool mist from the overhead sprinklers as it settled on her arms. The area made Ellia feel as if she had stepped into a jungle. The netting that extended over the nursery felt like a lattice of green vines, lettings shafts of light pass through, illuminating the viridescent clutter of leaves and flowers. The taller plants gave shelter to the pots that hid underneath. Ellia knew every corner of the nursery. There was a section for succulents, which she would use for making concoctions to ease the pain of burns and scars. The flowers lay in front of her, a welcoming array of colours, most she would use for her large selection of tea. Plants that bore fruit or anything edible were towards the back, she would regularly brew them into liquids, rich in nutrients. As for the herbs, they were tucked towards the back corner, her favourite section. Gently running her hands over leaves and flowers, she made her way to the herbs. Her ears pricked as a familiar voice called her name. Swinging around, she saw a thin pale woman standing with her hands resting on a trolly.

'What y'all doin' up so early Ms Mary Mae?'

'I have three children, do I need another reason?' Her bright, kind eyes creased as she smiled.

'Well, come help me look for some herbs.' She beckoned her friend to follow.


As they stopped at the checkout, with a trolly full of greenery, Ellia watched as the man behind the counter observed her with thinly veiled disgust. Mary continued to talk, not noticing his reaction upon seeing Elouise.

'And Henry, as much as I love my son, I don't think he has a brain cell between those ears.' She placed the smaller pots on the counter and one by one, the man scanned the barcode on each. Ellia noticed his continued disdainful glances and could hold her tongue no longer.

'That's forty-seven dollars and thirty-three-'

'Do y'all have a problem?' She snapped, her patience running out.

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