September 23rd 1946

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September 23rd 1946,

I now call the town of Porthleven my home. I have spent the last of my earnings to purchase a house that has extraordinary views of the ocean, although I cannot swim and do not intend too. 

I have been warned of the storms that sweep through this place and how the ocean turns it's rage against the folk of this town, where waves of anger smash houses and the port. The cellar beneath the building, I have been told, provides the necessary protection from the storms. 

The man that has come with me prefers to be called Whitley, he says that he hates his real name and would rather distance himself from it. I have found that he is a kind man, I have only spent a few weeks with him in this big house, but we enjoy one another's company. He has also informed me that there are others out there like himself and that they are hiding across the globe, afraid that society will not accept them. I have decided to extend my research to others, invite them to our house and to stay for a period of time so that I may gather the relevant data to send back to my colleagues in Germany to prove my hypothesis. 

In terms of the townspeople, I do not interact much with them, they are still haunted by the war, as am I, but I keep to myself as much as possible and they leave me to my own devices. This allows me to begin my studies on Whitley without any curious eyes or bodies lingering about.

I am not sure what to expect, but I do know that there is a great mystery waiting to be uncovered. 

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