Spiders x Rain x Dance

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I was on a mission to kill a rich man that lives in a huge palace. All I know about him that he got rich by drugs.

I got inside the palace. But all I see is dead bodies and blood everywhere.

I checked one of the bodies. 'Hm, they seem the guards. And they got kill by a Nen user.'

I kept checking around and saw the guards got killed in different ways, which means there's more than one Nen user here.

I could hear some noise coming from here and there what seems that the guards are dealing with some killers but I didn't bother.
My mission is to kill the big head.

After checking some rooms I found him hiding. When I was about to kill him some people got in surrounding me.

"Boss, she seems hired to protect him. Should we kill her?" A huge man with gray hair said. He seems strong.

I scanned the people around me, they seem strong. They were 12 people.

I think the boss is the one who has a cross on his forehead.

I released my Ren massively making them to take a few steps back.

"She is dangerous." The boss said and his gaze on me.

"Yeah, she seems strong, we need to be careful." A blonde guy said holding a red phone.

"Boss, let me fight her." The huge guy said.

"Oh, no Uvo, I want to fight her" a black haired man with sword said to Uvo.

"Hey, you two, I am the one who is going to fight her." This time a blonde man with no eyebrows said.

"Stop it, Phinks. I am going to fight her and make her suffer to death" a short man with black hair said.

They started to fight who is going to fight me. I stood there watching with a poker face.

"How about I choose who to fight me?" I said and that made them silent.

"I will choose three of you to fight me together." I told them

"You are misunderstanding us." The eyebrows-less said I think his name is Phinks.

I smirked "let's see."

Phinks, Uvo and Nobunaga stepped forward as I chose. And they dashed together to attack me.

Uvo threw a strong punch to me but I managed to hold his fist with one hand.

"Wow, you are strong." I told him amazed by his power.

And then Phinks grabbed my arm to break it. His hands and grip are incredibly strong.
I managed to crystallized my arm in time if I didn't he would break it easily.

I tried to kick him but he jumped back. Then suddenly Nobunaga with his sword towards my arm to cut it. I crystallized my arm again making his sword to break in half.

"Haha, she is strong! That's exciting! " Uvo loudly laughed.

Then he dashed again to attack along with Nobunaga and Phinks.

"Stop!" Their boss shouted.

The three stopped looking at their boss like why you stopped us.

"You are interesting. May I know your name? " the boss asked me looking at me curiously.

"Silla" I answered him emotionless

"Nice to meet you, Silla. My name..."

"I know you. Chrollo Lucifler." I cut his talk. Making them surprised for knowing their boss's name. Then I said " my father warned me about the Phantom Troupe."

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