Chapter 1

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Looking back, Sam would think how crazy it was that "that day" was so like every other Thursday. The roommates were downstairs vlogging, doing some kind of crazy sketch and he was upstairs editing, as was usual for a Thursday morning. Noise-cancelling headphones drowned out the random shouts and laughter of the roommates, making it easy for him to get zoned into his work.

He was pretty invested in what he was doing, trying to cut out all the awkward "ehms" and stutters that came when he couldn't quite collect his thoughts, so it made sense that Sam didn't hear the initial chime of his phone, even though it was right next to him. It dinged again and vibrated so hard that it fell off the desk and landed with a loud clatter on the floor.

Sam swore, nearly cutting out too much footage as his hand instinctively jerked off the mouse and body spasmed from the shock of the sudden loud noise.

He paused the video, made sure that nothing had been messed up too badly, and bent over to get the phone off the ground.

The phone screen showed that he had a new message from Kat, asking if he was free to hang out today.

Sam texted back "sure babe, how 'bout in an hour?"

A typing bubble popped up, and a minute later, her response came through. "I could probably do an hour. See you then"

Sam smiled, putting his phone back on the desk and decided that now would probably be a good time to take a shower and make his room look somewhat presentable.

Saving his work, Sam grabbed a towel off the foot of his bed to go take a shower.

Fifteen minutes, and some off-key singing later, he returned and quickly got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. After swiping a brush through his hair and combing some gel through it, Sam deemed himself good enough and turned to survey the disaster zone that was his room.

Okay, so it really wasn't that bad, but there was still dirty underwear on the floor, and some socks that had been worn for an exploration video a couple weeks ago still hanging on the chair.

There also might have been some questionable food leftovers performing their own kind of asexual reproduction on the floor by his desk.

After disposing of the homemade science experiment and the socks. What? They smelled like death. Sam quickly straightened the bedspread and made sure all of the rest of the miscellaneous things on the floor were back in their proper places.

He headed downstairs in bare feet and watched with bemusement as Aaron and Corey ran around the downstairs chasing each other with foil swords. Apparently, Aaron was the "dragon" and Corey was supposed to be the "knight" and Colby? Judging from the way Corey and Aaron were screaming at each other, it seemed like Colby was supposed to be the princess, but eh, you walk into all kinds of weird things in this house.

"Unhand your sword foul dragon!"

"Dude, what does that even mean?" Aaron asked

"Dude," Corey answered, "give me your freaking sword so I can slay you."

"Oh," Aaron paused by the kitchen island to catch his breath and gather his thoughts "Nah, I don't think so. I think I deserve Colby more"

"Oh do you now?" Sam asked, descending the last few steps and scooping Colby up bridal style.

"No, Sam, what are you doing, put me down!" Colby laughed struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Never, I will rescue the fair princess from this knight so foul and this dragon"

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