Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The first thing that Sam became aware of was the aching in his head and in his whole body. It felt like he'd been run over by a cement roller and then some.

The next was a strange beeping noise in the background, but he didn't have an alarm clock, so that was weird.

It was also weird to him how heavy his eyelids seemed and it took almost a monumental effort for him to blink them open, only to be immediately blinded by yellow sunlight.

He closed his eyes and let out an unintentional noise of discomfort, slowly opening them again and squinting past the brightness.

He slowly became conscious of the soft murmuring of someone talking, but who the hell would be in his room talking so early?

That's when the room came into focus and he realized that he was not in his bed at all a hospital?

He made another noise as he tried to sit up and he heard whoever was talking abruptly stop, and then there was the sound of rapid footsteps as whoever it was rushed over to him.

"Hey, hey, take it easy okay?" It was Colby. Sam tried to look at him but his vision was still blurry from sleep.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm here Sam."

Was Colby crying? What the hell was going on?

His head still felt fuzzy, and it was hard to understand, but he was pretty sure Colby just told him he was going to get a nurse.

His vision slowly cleared as he looked around the room. There was an IV beside his bed, connected to his arm, and a heart monitor beeping quietly in the corner. Sam also noticed that he was no longer in the clothes he was wearing yesterday, and instead was dressed in a flimsy hospital gown. He felt his face flush as he wondered who had undressed him. Even more pressing in Sam's mind was what was he doing here?

He remembered driving to the store yesterday and uploading that video, and he remembered smoking and part of drinking the bottle of whiskey, but then everything else was blurry.

Before he could think too much, Colby practically ran back into the room with a nurse.

She smiled kindly at him "It's nice to finally see you awake, Sam. You gave us quite a scare."

"I did?" Wow, his voice sounded like shit.

"Here," the nurse held a straw up to his lips and helped him take a drink of water. Even though Sam wanted to protest, his limbs felt weak but at the same time too heavy to lift and help her.

Once Sam was done drinking, the nurse set the cup back on the tray by Sam's bed.

"Yes, I will say we had quite a few doubts, but it's nice to see you alert and talking. I'll be right back with the doctor." The nurse smiled at him.

Sam turned to Colby, "What the hell is going on?"

"You mean you don't remember?"

"No, I mean I remember being in my room, but how did I get-"

He was cut off by the nurse returning with the doctor.

The doctor was quite young, probably not much older than himself in fact. She smiled at him.

"Hi, Sam, I must say it's a relief to see you up. I'm Dr Redford and I'm here to help you, but first I have to ask you a few questions, okay?"

Sam nodded his assent.

"Okay, can you state your full name and date birth for me?"

"Uh, Sam Golbach, and my date of birth is November 27, 1996"

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