Chapter 3

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 "You know, if I didn't know better I'd think you didn't get any sleep last night,"Brian punched Nick's shoulder. They were the only ones out on the hotel patio having breakfast by the pool.

Nick yawned for the 100th time that morning,"Man, I had this weird nightmare. I was in this big house, and I was being chased by this monster."

Brian laughed,"Ok, I do think you are a little too old to still have dreams about the boogie monster."

"It wasn't a boogie monster!"Nick yelled.

"Ok, ok,"Brian held up his hands in an "I mean no harm" manner,"Chill. I'm guessing you're cranky."

Nick narrowed his eyes at Brian, then he put his head down,"Sorry. Man, its just that dream... It wasn't one. It didn't feel like one, and someone was talking to me. Well he wasn't exactly talking to me, but it was about me and all of you guys too!"

"Did you leave your radio or TV on again Nick?"Brian asked looking dubious.

Nick shook his head,"I did not. Something was in my room last night! And don't tell the guys cause they'll make fun of me, but.."

"Don't tell the guys what?"AJ popped his head in the conversation,"Hey Brian, Nick. Now what were you saying, Nick?"

"Nothing,"Nick looked down at his untouched breakfast.

AJ blinked,"Uh-uh. It's something, you were just saying you didn't want Brian to tell us something cause we'd laugh."

"Man, leave me alone!"Nick snapped.

AJ jumped,"Hey, chill. What's wrong, what happened?" AJ had lost his smile, he looked serious,"Are you ok? You look like you've..."

"Haven't had a good night's sleep? Seen a ghost?"Nick supplied irritably.

AJ was drumming his fingers on the table, he stopped dead at the mention of ghost,"Ghost? I'm listening."

"You can't laugh, and you can't run and tell the others,"Nick grumbled, he hadn't wanted AJ to be there. He would most definitely tease him about it later.

"Cross my heart,"AJ said leaning in,"You gonna eat that?" He pointed to something on Nick's plate, and Nick pushed the whole thing at him.

"I had this dream that I was being chased all over this like mansion or something by this horrible monster.."

"Oh God, I thought you had something serious to.."

"He wasn't gonna just eat me like other monsters. He wants my soul."

AJ quieted at that, Brian got still.

"We were all there... He took us one by one. I was last, no wait, I wasn't last. I think one of us was still..."Nick squinted and looked like he was remembering,"He was still after one of us. I was in this, this dark place. I hated it and something was talking to me."

"That sounds like one bad nightmare,"Brian remarked.

"No. When I woke up it was cold in the room. Not freezer cold, but cold. The sheets on the bed were kind of damp, so I got up.."

"You wet the bed!?" Both Brian and AJ burst out laughing.

"MAN! I knew I couldn't tell you guys!" Nick turned away from AJ and Brian, frustrated.

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