Chapter 13

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Ow... Ow? Well if it hurts I can't be dead. Howie thought matter of factly He sat up stiffly with a groan. Why was it so hot? "Hey guys, is everybody ok?" There was silence, "Guys?" He opened his eyes for the first time since their encounter with Chiros, and choked. He was in a totally different part of the ship, and to make matters worse... he was alone. The room was fireball red, the walls were lined with slim rectangular windows.

"This is great, this is perfect," Howie muttered to himself bitterly, "Not only do we have to make it back to that stupid control room, but we have to get there alone!" He fanned himself, it was hot! He stared at his hands which were encased in white lined gloves. "Oh my..." When he had entered this place he was wearing his black polo jeans and black t-shirt, now he was dressed like a cartoon character. He was wearing a white jumpsuit with creased starch lines following from his neck line to his waist line. Two red lines outlined either side of his suit. He was even wearing some kind of white sneaker-boots. They felt pretty comfortable. Howie wondered if he would get to keep these things after he left. He wiped his gloved hand over his sweaty forehead. Was it getting warmer in there? The air in the room was actually shimmering from heat. Was there a door nearby? He began to walk the width of the room examining each corner and wall. He finally found what he was looking for, a sliding door stood at the other side of the room. "Out of the frying pan and into the fryer..." That old phrase kept going through Howie's head, until he yelled at it to "Shut up!" He removed one glove to touch the exterior of the door, it was cool to the touch. He ran both hands up and down the smooth door trying to find a handle or latch. The door slammed open instantly causing Howie to jump back with a cry.

It was the backstage area of a concert venue. He could see the stage crew setting up the lights and things. He could see the band... and he.. He saw Nicky! Nicky and Brian, and AJ, and Kev... They were suited up to go on stage. They were laughing and joking amongst themselves. Howie bit his lip, it was a trap, he knew it. But hey, he could feel the air conditioning blowing on the other side. He looked starkly back into the room that was so hot the air was ablaze, and made his decision. He slipped into the new room. The sliding doors slammed behind him.

"NO! NO! You cheated!!" AJ was screaming as he pounded his fist into solid granite. OH CRAP! AJ brought his fist to his lips to kiss it and tasted soft leather. He looked at his hands which were now sporting black gloves. "Aw man!" As he switched positions he heard soft clunking noises. He sighed and reluctantly decided to check out his new apparel. He looked like a reject Power Ranger in Space! He was wearing pieces of a plastic purple robot costume. His torso, arms, and lower body were encased in grape colored junk. There were odd metal buttons on each one of his breast plates. He felt a coolness on one of his ears, and reached up to discover some sort of a headset microphone attached to his head. "And worst dressed in 1999 goes to..." AJ muttered letting his hands fall to his sides. He didn't even bother to look around for the others. He knew he was alone. His weapon and supplies were gone, as he knew they would be. Why would Chiros let them keep anything that would be to their advantage. He groaned. He had to get back to the room they started from in 2 hours. How in the world was he supposed to be able to tell what time it was? And how in the world was he supposed to get out of this.. This... thing?! AJ scanned his surroundings with wild eyes. He was in a cylinder made of what looked like granite blocks. He found the place where he had struck his fist and first discovered the nature of his surroundings. The block had slid back a bit. Hmm. AJ hit at another stone, and yes, that stone moved too. "Great Alex, we can play musical stone until you bring the whole place crashing down on your head!" AJ punched at another stone in frustration, "It's not fair! You didn't even give me a chance! How am I supposed to get out of here!" AJ shuddered, no wait. He didn't shudder, the ground had. He stood deathly still. The ground shook again and so did the walls. Blocks of stone began dislodging themselves from the walls.

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