~Chapter Ten~

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We drove home later that day. "Let me have the benefit of the doubt, but I have never seen you be so antisocial," Robert said. In the front, Meredith and Brian were talking in whispers.

"I'm just very very tired," I said.

"By the way, Darren wants you to call him every day when you wake up, when you make it to rehearsal, when you are about to leave, when you make it back, and when you're about to go to sleep," Meredith said. I groaned internally.

"This is the definition of a helicopter sibling," I said.

"Well, good luck. He's insane," Brian said from up front. "But he really does care."

"Brian!" Meredith exclaimed, hitting him jokingly. "Be optimistic for once in your life!"

"That was pretty optimistic. Plus, I'm just telling it as it is," he said as we entered the house. It was silent, as always. I decided to call Darren and be the good little sister. And maybe his favorite sibling one day. But that's just wishful thinking. We're not supposed to have favorites.

"You're alive!" Darren exclaimed.

"I know I am. Why are you so worried?" I asked.

"Many people die in car crashes. Also, many people die in their sleep," Darren said.

"I'm going to be okay. I was going to call you tonight," I said.

"So, you're not going to let me know you're alive?" Darren asked.

"I will nightly," I said.

"Morning and nightly," Darren said.

"Deal," I responded, beaming.

"Okay, but don't have me worry. I called so many people in the cast and everyone ignored me until Clark actually picked up. Why were you with him? Oh no, are you two dating? I have to threaten him."

"We're not dating. Brian wanted me to give him the music rehearsal schedule," I said.

"Okay. Good. By the way, if you happen to stumble upon a love life with anyone in the whole world, you have to make sure I can threaten them over Skype. Preferably in real life."

"I get it. I'll call you later, DareBear," I said.

"Call you later," he responded as I hung up and made my way to the kitchen. Everyone was talking in low whispers.

"How'd it go talking to middle Criss?" Brian asked.

"I got him to become less helicopter-y," I said.

"Good. Now let's eat," Brian said, giving me a gluten free quesadilla.

"Thank you," I said, taking it and finishing it very quickly.

"Don't choke," Robert said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"I'm okay," I said, clearing my place. "I need to go call my oldest brother."

Everyone nodded. I got ready for bed, called Chuck, and then fell asleep. The next morning, we made it to rehearsal.

"Okay! We're doing some scenes and then music later!" Brian exclaimed. "If you aren't in the Achmed scene with the princess, go in the back and do something!"

I went into the back, not really doing anything anyways. There was a tiny circle of people, including Clark. I leaned against the wall and refreshed my email again. I still hadn't gotten any news from the publisher. Somehow, everyone had taken to talking. I stayed against the wall. "What do you think, Mini Criss?" Clark asked in a whisper, next to me.

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