~Chapter Fifteen~

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I was at the doctor's office the next day. They used this weird saw thing to get my cast off. There was so much dead skin. "Well, we are going to take another x-ray to see how you've been healing. Then, we'll determine what to do. Okay?" The doctor explained everything and I nodded in understanding.

I left that day with another cast that didn't go to my elbow, only to my mid forearm. We left and Darren started driving. "Okay, so today we're going to set. It's going to be pretty normal. I'll introduce you to everyone. Today, we're blocking and running lines, maybe filming like a minute," Darren said. I nodded.

"Okay," I said. I suddenly got very nervous. What if the cast hated me? I had never exactly watched Glee. Darren didn't like to see himself perform too much. Julia didn't generally watch the episodes in order to respect Darren's wishes. She only saw the premieres and even then didn't really watch, per-say. A lot of the Starkids, especially the older ones, watched it a lot. I hoped they wouldn't judge me. "Darren," I said thoughtfully.

"What's up?" He asked me.

"I never really watched Glee," I said.

"It's okay," Darren said.

"Do you think they won't like me because I haven't seen it?" I asked.

"No. Honestly, no one cares and would prefer to not be recognized. They all like working, but it's nice sometimes to not be in character and be yourself. Especially if you're meeting someone," Darren explained. I nodded.

"Okay," I responded. Darren led me to the set and it appeared that everyone was on a lunch break. I squeezed Darren's hand. He looked at me. I gave him my best I'm terrified look. He gave me a response along the lines of give it a chance they'll like you. I relaxed a bit and Darren cleared his throat. The attention in the room snapped to him.

"Um, hi, everyone. This is my little sister, Luna," Darren said. He took my hand as everyone went into their own conversations. The first group he introduced me to was comprised of Matthew Morrinson and Chris Colfer, as I soon learned. "Chris, Matt, this is my sister Luna. Luna, Chris, Matt," he said, pointing to each of them respectively.

"Hi," I said meekly.

"Hi!" Chris said cheerfully to me, shaking my hand. Darren gave me a look, reminding me of a conversation we had yesterday.

"I like The Land of Stories," I said.

"Glad you enjoyed it! The next book is coming in August!" He exclaimed before Darren steered me to a different group.

"Lea, Becca, Jenna, this is my little sister Luna," Darren said.

"Hi," I said, more confidently than before.

"Hi, Luna!" Lea said. I smiled nervously before Darren whisked me to another group.

"Chord, Jane, this is my little sister Luna. Luna, Chord and Jane," he said. I held my hand out to each of them.

"Hi, I'm Luna," I said.

"Luna, hi. I'm Chord," Chord said.

"Naya, Blake, Kevin, this is Luna, my baby sister," Darren said.

"I'm Luna. Hi!" I said. Darren was right about how no one cared that I had never seen Glee. He took me to the final group.

"Luna, these are Jacob, Melissa, and Alex," Darren said. "Hi, Jacob, Melissa. Hi, Alex. This is Luna."

"Blaine!" Someone called Darren.

"Hey, Luna, you can socialize. I'll be right back," Darren said. I nodded and looked down. I only met these people and there's no way that I would talk to them right away. I looked down at my phone and had a text from Robert. How's LA? Your wrist? I smiled and slowly typed a reply.

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