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Yep. Rules. Gotta have 'em.

1) Cussing is allowed! You don't even need to censor it. Though you may notice that I censor it, but only because red writing and blurred-ish messages just annoy the heck outta me.

2) Smut... Ehhh... Not here, sorry. Most of these guys are kids, so that would be INCREDIBLY weird. ._.'

3) Please don't spam; I'm actually quite busy a lot of the time. If I don't reply in an hour or two, tag me. If I don't answer again, I'm most likely offline (due to work) so if you didn't bother me further that would be great :)

4) Please, don't bully anyone. If you do I might have to cut someone.

5) Don't play as characters you aren't playing as! I have had problems with this in other roleplay books and let me tell you, not only is it annoying but it's very confusing to have someone else control your OWN character.

6) No group RP's please! This is an individual roleplay. :D

7) Please roleplay in third person, and in the narrative structure. Also, please try to be descriptive! There are some parts where you CAN use just dialogue, but when you're describing things please be a little specific.

8) For most of you, you can only do up to two roleplays. But some of you, like my friends or people I roleplay regularly with, may have more freedom!

9) If you aren't feeling satisfied with a scenario we are currently roleplaying you can suggest for me to delete it. This will take away one of the scenarios from your available list and you can willingly choose another to start!

10) The limit of OC's you can add is how many you can control without neglecting them! So best to aim for two or three. Four is the limit.

11) When it comes to using either the game or the anime, I'll usually ask you as the roleplayer which version you understand more or would prefer. I really don't mind either way. :3

12) If you wish to have one of your OC's be related to my OC please let me know! I wouldn't mind whatsoever but I'd be really confused if you didn't tell me. XD

And that's all! The form will be up soon!

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