REGION: Sinnoh

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SCENARIO ONE (best for game version)
This is completely crazy. You're following some hyperactive kid claiming there's a red Gyarados at Lake Verity even though neither of you have any Pokémon. Was he insane? Probably. But hey, he's a good friend of yours. You and Barry had been best friends since you were kids, so you were used to his energy since he bumped into you time after time. The other kid he was dragging along, however, you had never seen in your life. Despite that, you were more than welcome to let her join in considering it meant Barry would probably bump into her more than you. But who knew?
(We'll start the scenario with Barry still dragging your character and Teddy to the lake :D)

SCENARIO TWO (best for anime version, your starter Pokémon is either Chimchar or Turtwig, also follows off a little while after the Johto scenario so you know Ash, Gary and Teddy already)
You had just started your Pokémon journey alongside Dawn, one of your newest best friends, and you were honestly already tired. Despite that, the two of you were currently headed to Jubilife City and were fast approaching your destination. All of a sudden, a Pikachu appears out of nowhere and suddenly tackles you to the ground! You have no idea where the electric mouse Pokémon came from whatsoever; all you knew was that it was lost and definitely belonged to someone. And it seemed to recognise you too...

Make your own! Don't forget to specify if it's for the game or anime!

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