The Fight

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All day, she's been trying to avoid Jisung but just couldn't. Something about his is what she liked. She loved his personality, his smile, his jokes, his peaceful presence that he gives. For some reason, she feels safe with him.

"Eat lunch with me?" he asks and she nods. They go to a table and eat their lunch, receiving stares from numerous girls, jealousy hidden in their eyes. Sunhee didn't even care, it's been a few weeks and their friendship had grown massively. Some girls were even jealous of Sunhee because of how close she was to the new hot guy, and he was a Senior?!

"She's too close. We must teach her a lesson~ right girls?" Gina said and Jessy and Kimi nodded and giggled. "B-but wait, Gina, you've never even talked to him... How do you know he's not super annoying and she's not worth beating up for him." Kimi brings up a point.

"Oh, he is, " Gina says and stands up. The girls follow her to the hallway, the one that is barely used. Soon, the bell rang. They knew that Sunhee likes to go down that hallway so they waited for her.

"See you tomorrow Jisung, " Sunhee hugs him and he hugs her back. "Showtime..." Gina quietly whispered as they heard Sunhee's footsteps. As soon as she walked back where the mean girls were hiding, they charged at her.

Immediately putting her arm around her neck, Gina slowly chocked Sunhee while Jessy held her hand over her mouth and Kimi kicked her to the ground. Once Sunhee was unconscious, they dropped her on the ground really hard and began to kick and punch the body.

The aftermath wasn't pretty. The kicks left bruises and marks on Sunhee's body. Their heels didn't help either, she had cuts all over her stomach. Her face was red and had three cuts, one near her lip and two right under her eye.

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