Chapter 4

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"My name is Marissa, and I sleep and eat acting. Literally, my pillow is made out of movie script and I eat cereal out of a bunch of melted DVDs shaped like a bowl," (A/N: Complete credit for this line goes to "frakkevin", too funny!) a chick with flaming red hair announced. I honestly contemplated what drugs this girl was on and where I could get some.

"Very good dear, now who's next?" Mrs. Burnam, our drama teacher, said with a warm smile. She had crazy curly grey hair and looked like the total artsy fartsy type...I guess I should watch my mouth though, I'm one of them now.

We were sitting in a dark room in a circle holding hands with our eyes closed and briefly explaining our experience and passion for acting, and I wish I was kidding you. Before the next student started their speech, I heard the sound of the door open and snapped my eyes open out of fright. Come on, it startled me...real men still get startled.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, the traffic on the 27 was absolutely brutal," I heard a high pitched voice apologize. Okay, so it was either a girl that was late or Justin Bieber. As my eyes adjusted to the dark atmosphere of the room, I realized that the girl (yes, it ended up being a girl, false alarm fan girls) was probably the most beautiful human being I've ever laid eyes on. Her wavy blonde hair was tied into a loose side braid and her eyes were the deepest, most intense shade of dark blue. She wore a grey button up sweater and a purple scarf was loosely knotted around her neck. Oh my god, I wanted her.

Mrs. Burnam sighed, "It's fine Peyton, please sit."

As I was imagining how beautiful Peyton would look on our wedding day, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Mason- it's Mason, right?" Mrs. Burnam questioned.

I took a deep breath and remembered Cindy. British accent, I could do this.

"Actually, my mates back home called me Mase. But yes, Mason Bryers," I replied with a British accent. My hands were trembling, they wouldn't believe me and I'd look like the hugest idiot.

"Ohmigod! Are you from, like, England? And are you, like, related to Tyler Bryers!?" a girl with orange "fake and bake" skin and bleach blonde hair said towards me. She looked so excited her head might spin off.

Play it cool, Mason. "Yes, I'm from England. And yes, he's actually my..uhm...uncle" I lied. I couldn't tell them he was my dad, or my whole cover would be blown.

"That's wicked, where are you from in England?" I heard Peyton ask. I looked at her and she was smiling a perfect smile towards me. I want her, I want her, I want her.

"Erm...London," I say, naming the only city in England that I knew. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you know that.

The bell rang signififying class was over. Thank god, I need to research England tonight before people start asking me harder questions.

- - - - -

"Hey, Mase!" I heard the voice of an angel behind me. I turned around and Peyton was there holding her books with a smile plastered on her face. Have I mentioned I want her?

"'s Peyton, right?" Like I didn't know.

"Right," she said with a smile. "Okay this might be totally stereotypical, but if you're from England, do you play rugby? Our team is really good, and I bet they'd love to have you on it if you can play! I watch every game of the whole season," she added with a wink.

"Rugby? Of course, everyone in England plays. But I'm sure the try-outs have already happened, I'm here in the year pretty bloody late! Next year, though?" I fake my accent, I can learn rugby by next year, no problem. It's hard enough to talk to girls, add a British accent and it's like biking up Mount Everest.

"Oh no!" she jumps excitedly. "Try outs are tomorrow! I'll sign you up, and I'll come and watch your try out tomorrow!" she gives my arm a quick squeeze and walks off.

Okay, I guess I can learn rugby by tomorrow...


I hope you guys liked this! I looked at my story today and it's in the top 100 of the What's Hot List! I actually can not BELIEVE it, it's all thanks to you guys! Your comment and votes and fans actually make my day, please keep reading! :)

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