Chapter 6

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"Damn Bryers, you're not half bad," Addison said, punching me on the arm just after Kirk had given us a "thanks for coming out" speech.

"Cheers, mate," I said with a huge smile on my face. He was right, I really wasn't that bad! I mean, sure, I probably looked like a complete idiot out there, especially when I started attacking someone on my own team (hey, it's an honest mistake!), but I was pretty good at dodging tackles. I mean, think about it, it's not like I haven't been running away from huge jocks trying to beat me up my entire life.

Not that the jocks here were even close to the same as the ones back home in Wisconsin. The boys HERE all wore tight and bright wife beater tank tops and spandex work-out shorts from Lululemon, as opposed to baggy Under Armor gear. They gave each other hugs when they did something right, instead of bumping fists or chests. In the locker room, everyone elaborated on how their day was and gave advice to each other, instead of talking about how many girls they've slept with, or who's dick was bigger than the other's. MOST differently, they didn't beat up on kids that weren't as "athletic" or "cool" as them.

"Hey, champ," Peyton said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I totally forgot she had actually been watching. Wow, what's wrong with me? I can play sports, and I don't get freaked out when girls are in my presence. Confidence is a weird thing.

Addison stood behind her, rolling his eyes and wagged his finger in a circular motion around the side of his head signaling "she's crazy". "I'll see you in the change room, good job out there today," he said, walking away.

"He's right, you did have a good try-out. You weren't lying when you said you knew what you were doing," she complimented with a smile. Little did she know...

"Well thanks," I said blushing. "Been a while since I've been out there, not too chuffed about some of the things I did."

"Oh, do you not usually tackle your own team mates?" she teased.

"Cheeky," I said with a wink.

"PEYYYYYTOOONN!" a girl yelled, jogging across the field towards us. When she reached us, I realized she was just as pretty as Peyton was, but in a completely different way. Her jet black and pin straight hair fell almost down to her waist. She had an extremely pale complexion, and her eyes were a surprising shade of violet. She was thin and looked like she was about 5"10. She was HOT.

"Mase, this is my best friend Jasmynne," Peyton introduced.

"Please, call me Jas," she said in a husky voice, winking at me as Peyton was looking down at her cell phone. "Peyt, you're seriously losing your chance to get a ride home with me if you don't move your ass."

"Nah, don't need a ride. I've gotta stay after school for a school council meeting. Speaking of which, I should probably get going" Peyton sighed, looking at her watch. She said her goodbyes and gave us both hugs, flashing me a smile before she walked away.

"Hey Mase, my front seat is now officially unoccupied, want a ride?" Jas asked flirtatiously.

"That'd be ace, can you give me just a minute to grab my stuff from the change room?" I said, my hands trembling. This girl made me really nervous, and I don't know why.

"Wow, when they said your British accent made you even sexier, they weren't lying," she said in almost a whisper, walking a step closer to me. "Be fast. My car's the red pick up truck in the parking lot over there, I'll wait for you there." And with that she spun around on her heel and started walking, no STRUTTING, towards her car.

What am I getting myself into?

- - - - -

I knocked on the window of her car when I already tried the locked door. Jas looked up from the cell phone she was insanely typing on and clicked the "unlock" button.

"You can just throw your shit in the back seat," she said, nodding towards my red gym bag.

I threw my bag in the back seat and directed her towards my house, making small talk along the way. When we finally pulled up in front of my house, I looked towards her to thank her. She was staring intently at me, and her eyes were full of lust. Oh shit, I knew this look. I GAVE this look to Peyton whenever I saw her. Hell, I probably gave the same look to Jas. Even though I completely knew her intentions, why did I not want to get out of the car?

"You know I'm attracted to you, right? And I'll have you know, I'm not one to shy away from my feelings," she said in her deep, husky voice, leaning towards me.

"Er..." Shit, what do I say to that?

Before I knew it, she was kissing me and I was kissing back. I'm surprised that I knew what I was doing, seeing as it was the first kiss I've ever had in my life. A couple seconds in we both pulled away, guilt washing over Jas's face.

"Fuck, we shouldn't have done that," she whispered, putting her head on the leather steering wheel. After what felt like an eternity, she looked up at me. "How about we keep this quiet from Peyton?"

"I think that's a good idea," I replied shakily, grabbing my bag out of the backseat and getting out of the car.

Right before she pulled away, she rolled down the window and said, "I wasn't lying you know? About being attracted to you, I mean."

Then she drove off.


TOTALLY DIFFERENT CHAPTER THAN NORMAL! Trying to add a bit more drama, aside from just comedy, sorry if this chapter wasn't funny or entertaining to you! Do you like how this was? Or should I go back to how I wrote before? Please let me know!


Cheers - Thank you

Chuffed - To be really pleased about something

Cheeky - Flippant, have too much lip, sassy, or are a bit of a smart ass!

Ace - Brilliant

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