Chapter 7

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Peyton stood on her tip toes, her big blue eyes scanning the list posted on the sports bulletin board.

"You made it! Congrats!" she said excitedly, turning around and giving me a big hug. "I knew you would."

Sure enough, when I looked up at the list from the results of the rugby try-out, there I was. MASON BRYERS, third down from the top. I kept staring at it, waiting for something to happen to it, like it might magically vanish. I couldn't have ACTUALLY made a sports team, could I?

The bell giving students a 2 minute warning to get to class went off and I tore my eyes away from the list to look at Peyton. Guilt hit me in the stomach like a punch. Why did I hook up with Jas, and why do I feel like if I got the opportunity, I'd do it again?

"Walk me to class?" Peyton smiled. "It's on your way."

"Of course," I replied.

"So how'd you like Jas? She's a bit upfront at times," Peyton asked while we walked to class. A BIT upfront? That's like saying walking in the Arctic naked might be a "wee bit chilly".

"Err, yeah. She's pretty outgoing, but I like her," I said, shaking with nerves. I was going to tell you all how horrible of a liar I am, but apparently I can't be too bad if everyone here things I'm a British, rugby jock, sexy bad boy. Little do they all know I go home and play Sims all night on my Nintendo DS, instead of going out and getting completely drunk or going to the gym. Oh well, what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

"This is me," Peyton stopped, nodding towards the classroom that we were standing in front of. "Hey Mase, would you want to maybe...hang out tonight or something? We could just do homework and watch a movie or whatever. You don't have to if you don't want to, like I totally-"

"I'd love to," I interrupted, stopping her rambling. I didn't even have to ask her on our first date, this was too easy.

She sighed with relief. "Great, I'll text you then."

After she walked in her class, I started walking towards mine. I let a deep breath out, everything was okay. I'm hanging out with Peyton, the girl I originally wanted, and Jas and I will just be friends. It will be gr-

"Mase! Wait up! I've got to talk to you!" a familiarly husky voice interrupted from behind me. Oh man, this is when things get complicated.

I turned around slowly, and saw Jas running towards me. She was wearing black leggings and a cropped top exposing her stomach and a belly button ring. God, why do you do this to me?

"I wanna talk to you about what happened last night," she started.

"Can we do this later, Jas? I really have to get to class," I whined, trying to get out of this conversation.

"Relax, you can be a few minutes late, Mase, this is important. Okay, so obviously Peyton likes you, right?"

"Right..." I try to say cooly. Meanwhile my stomach is doing backflips.

"But the thing is, I'm so attracted to you. And I know you are too, I saw that much last night," she said in a quiet voice, looking towards my crotch. Oh god, I need to learn to control my hormones. "So here's my plan. You and Peyton, do whatever you want. Be cutesy, be romantic, I don't really give a shit. But you and I, FWB," she said with a wink.

"...FWB?" I asked, confused.

"Friends. With. Benefits. We hook up, but don't date. Peyton doesn't know, no one will know. Please Mason," she said, looking up at me through heavy, black eyelashes.

I stood looking at her for a minute. This wasn't a good idea, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach.

"You're SURE Peyton will never find out?" I said finally, practically in a whisper.

She leaned towards me, and whispered in my ear, "Promise."

"Fine. I'm in."


Ooh, dramas going on! I realized from the comments, everyone seems to hate Jas and love Peyton (for obvious reasons, ahah). Is there anyone out there who is Team Jas? Or is everyone Team Peyton? Let me know! :)

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