Chapter 9

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"Coke?" Jas asked, pointing to the fridge.

"Please," I said back, nearly dropping the Coke she tossed at me. Damn, this chick's got an arm.

"So, how are things with Peyton?" Jas asked sitting down beside me, jealousy making her already husky voice even thicker.

"Er, they're fine. She said you seemed a bit cheesed off that I was with her today," I said, watching her eyes darken.

"Peyton and I haven't been getting along lately," Jas replied, changing the subject. "Ever since last year, things have been super tense. Neither of us have had the guts to talk about it though, so we just pretend everything's fine in public."

"Why's that?"

"Kay', well Peyton used to date this guy last year, named Benjamin. He went to St. Peter's, you know that all-boys catholic school down Highway 7?" she asked, looking towards me for confirmation. I shrugged. "Not important. Anyway, they were really in love and all that corny crap. Then at a party, Ben tried to hit on me, and I stopped him. Thinking he's hot shit, he went and told all his friends that I was all over him and that we hooked up, which didn't even happen. Eventually, word got to Peyton and she flipped. Believed her stupid horny boyfriend over me, her best friend since like, forever. We didn't speak for a really long time, and she got all her little church friends to hate me more than they already did. Finally, she broke up with the asshole, but still thinks that I was with him that night," she ended with a sigh, looking at the ceiling. She looked at my uneasy expression and said with tears filling up in her big, violet eyes, "You believe me, right Mason? I swear I didn't do it, I'm not a bad person."

"Blimey that..." I search for the right words, "sucks. It really sucks. I believe you though Jas, really. But I have a question. If you're trying to convince her that you wouldn't get with her friend, then why are you with me?"

She lifted her head heavily off the kitchen table, "Because Mase, I seriously really like you. For some reason, you make me want to do things I've never done before. I'm not one to share a guy I like, you can believe me on that. I figure that Peyton got to you first, so she gets girlfriend status. If the only way I can be with you is to be your secret, unimportant hook up, then I'll take it," she said sadly, putting her head back down on the table.

"Hey, Jas. Look at me," I said, her head slowly raising off the table. Tears were streaming down her face. It was weird, I couldn't imagine a bad ass chick like her looking so vulnerable. "You're not unimportant, you're really not."

I leaned in to her and kissed her, hoping it would erase the uneasy feelings that were bubbling in the pits of both of our stomachs.

- - - - -

"Yo, Mason," I heard an unfortunately familiar voice calling from across the rugby field at school the next day. I slowly turned around on my heel, and realized that I was face to face with Kirk, his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.

"Whaddya want, Kirk?" I said rolling my eyes, trying to act tough. Meanwhile on the inside, I thought I might pee my pants.

"My captain spot, please," he said, taking a step closer to me, his oniony breath filling my nostrils. "You don't know what you're doing, Bryers, and since you're new I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. No one takes my captain spot. NO. ONE. Clear?"

"Not quite. Looks like you made a cock up Kirk, because look who has your spot now? Me. The new guy around here. You must not be too chuffed about that, are you?" I smirked.

"Give it back now, and there will be no hard feelings."

"And if I don't, what'll happen big guy? The team likes me better, who's your back up? As far as I know, I'm the shiny new toy everyone wants to play with around here, and you're the broken Hot Wheels from 2005," I replied like a smart ass.

Before I knew it, Kirk threw a punch at my face, sending a piercing shot of pain from my nose. I staggered backwards from the unexpected hit, and fell on the grainy pebbles of the track. I looked up and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was a satisfied grin plastered on Kirk's face.


Hope this chapter was good, kind of gives a new perspective on Jas! I wonder if that'll change any of your opinion on her, let me know! :)

Thanks so much for reading!


Cheesed off - This is a polite way of saying you are pissed off with something.

Cock up - A cock up means you have made a mistake. It has nothing to do with parts of the male body.

Chuffed - Being really pleased about something.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2010 ⏰

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