Chapter 8

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"You're hanging out with my sister today, I heard," Addison said to me as we were packing our sport bags after a long rugby practice.

"Yes I am, mate," I replied with a huge grin on my face, trying to ignore the huge pit in my stomach whenever I thought about the little deal I made with Jas earlier this morning.

"Man, I know I don't need to tell you this, but it's my older brother instincts kicking in: don't hurt her, okay? I saw you talking with Jasmynne today, and you've really gotta watch out for her, I mean she's nice but she puts guys under this...spell. She's always been that way, and probably always will be. She's a babe though, you're lucky, she usually doesn't even speak to fresh meat around here," Addison said, his concerned eyes clear behind a fake smile.

"Don't fret, I'm not a prat," I said, lying through my teeth. "Jas is quite fit though, you're right."

"Okay boys, although I'm sure this isn't necessary, Coach told me I had to ask if anyone votes anyone else as captain this year, or if it goes to me again?" Kirk announced to the locker room, thankfully interrupting my more than awkward conversation.

"I say Mase is new team captain, he seems to really know what he's doing. Kirk, you're pretty shit, let's get real." one of the seniors on the team called out.

"Yeah, my votes for Mason!" Addison called out, slapping me on the back.

The room yelled their agreements, and I looked towards Kirk's fuming face.

"Mason, do you want to take the position?" Kirk said through gritted teeth, his eyes screaming 'I'll kill you if you take my spot.'

I glanced around the room and got several encouraging smiles and nods from the other guys. Hey, I've got two of the hottest girls in the school at my beck and call, why should I NOT be team captain? I'm going to be top dog around here, it's inevitable.

"Of course I'll take the position," I said firmly, the room erupting with cheers. I glared at Kirk and said in the cockiest tone I've ever used, "It's about time this team was under control of someone who actually knew what they were doing."

- - - - -

Peyton unlocked the door of her small, cottage-like house and smiled at me. "This is it."

Boy, this was different than the houses I've grown up in. The small main floor was cluttered with stuff, ranging from coats and umbrellas to XBOX games strewn across the floor. The kitchen was filled with dirty dishes and a fridge covered in magnetic photos and report cards. Although it was so different, it suited Peyton, humble and cute.

"Sorry, it's a huge mess in here," Peyton said turning away from me, blushing.

"Hey, it's pukka, I love it," I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me, smiling.

"Pukka? I'm not even going to ask," Peyton laughed. "The British terms are pretty adorable though, every girl in school talks about it. Well, actually the girls just all talk about you in general, you're pretty well known around here. Jas seemed pretty jealous that we were hanging out today," she said proudly.

"She did?" I couldn't believe I was even thinking this, but I wish she didn't care we were together. Jealousy wasn't part of my deal with her.

"Yup," Peyton said, grabbing a bag of cookies out of a basket on top of the fridge. "I think she might like you and she gets every guy she's ever wanted. I try not to let it get to me, but it's hard, you know? She hooked up with our English teacher last year, for God's sake. Guys look at me in comparison to her, and I'm like the ugly best frie-"

"You're the opposite of ugly," I said, cupping my hands around her face and looking right in her eyes.

Peyton leaned into me and started kissing me, and this time it actually felt like a first kiss. My kiss with Jas came more naturally to me, but this time it was different. It wasn't an unimportant hook up, it was actually a kiss. I didn't know how I was supposed to move my mouth, and it felt a lot more unnatural. I bit hard on Peyton's tongue by accident, and she jumped and pulled away from me.

"Ow!" she said, laughing.

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry babe! I don't really know what I'm doing, I haven't done this for a wh-"

"Shh, I'll teach you," she said with a wink, leaning back into me.

- - - - -

On my walk home from Peyton's, I was happier than I'd ever been. Butterflies filled my stomach everytime I thought about kissing her. Oh boy, this is turning into a cheesy romance story, I'll try and spare you the details. All of a sudden, I felt a buzz coming from my pocket and pulled my phone out. ONE UNREAD MESSAGE, flashed across the screen, and I opened the text.

"Hey there ;) parents are out, come over ;) -Jas"

I tried to ignore the feeling of how bad I wanted Jas that rushed over me, but before I knew it, I turned the opposite direction and started walking towards her house.

"Be there in 10 xxx" I texted back.



Prat - Yet another mildly insulting name for someone.

Fit - Good looking.

Pukka - Super or smashing.

I APOLOGIZE A MILLION TIMES FOR TAKING SO LONG TO UPLOAD! I've just been crazy busy with school and family things, so I haven't had the time to write a new chapter. Let me know how you liked this one! :)

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