Chapter 1

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Before meeting him in person, the impression Junyoung had of Kang Yuchan was that he had an incredible similarity to Gwangsuk.

From what his best friend used to tell him, the boy seemed to have the same beagle behavior as him, the same way of being as cheerful as noisy and the same interest for art as he did. When Gwangsuk talked about Chan to Jun, as a joke, the younger man once said that he was such a narcissist, because he had fallen in love with a guy who was identical to himself.

When Gwangsuk heard that, he just laughed and shrugged, happy as a lark. After long weeks of mutual flirting, the older had finally decided to ask that boy he met in an art gallery out.

Throughout all those weeks Jun had the unbearable entitlement of being the witness of everything. From the uneasiness of the older boy in regard to dating someone much younger than him to his positivism about the young man saying yes to date him no matter what, as long as he asked.

"He adores me, it's so evident," he used to tell Jun, to which he replied that although he didn't know the boy, what was clear to him was that he had very "low" standards.

He earned a small hit from Gwangsuk, but it had been worth it.

Not long after that, when the boy -obviously- accepted him, Gwangsuk was impatient to introduce him to Junyoung, his best friend, because he knew both of them would get along very well. At first sight, it really seemed like they would.

The big day didn't last too long to arrive. One afternoon, when Jun met Gwangsuk to go around the city and take photos, the latest told him that once the night came, they'd go to a fast food restaurant and he'd take the opportunity to introduce his boyfriend to him once and for all.

Upon entering the said restaurant, and while they were waiting for the young man to get there, Gwangsuk told him that Yuchan was studying in the same college as Jun, but in a different department so they probably had met once or twice even though they didn't know each other.

Sometime later, Gwangsuk caught a glimpse of his boyfriend across the restaurant's window. Apparently, the boy saw them him too, because they started to make weird faces at each other and dancing like dorks as a greeting through the glass.

As a first impression in person, Kang Yuchan looked like a dumbass. But a nice one.

Junyoung joined the stupid silly greeting as any other dork of the same species would do. After a couple of minutes, the young man entered the place with a giant smile on his face and sat in front of them.

Then it happened.

After listening to him talking, Jun noticed something very unusual.


There was something in the way Chan expressed himself that was quite unnerving.

Even so, he decided to ignore it. At first, he thought that it had nothing to do with the boy, that it probably was Jun suddenly getting into a bad mood just because. Chan seemed like a very friendly guy, there was no reason to feel this way about him. So Jun treated him as if nothing happened.

From then on, the irritation returned every single time he met with the couple or when he came across the boy in their college. It was clear that it wasn't a onetime situation. It had to do with Chan. In spite of that, Jun remained friendly with him. Putting some distance between them, but without acting like a dick. He thought that maybe they would become friends over time and that the irritation would disappear.

But it didn't.

Instead, their relationship kept getting more and more awkward and uncomfortable in Jun's eyes. Chan didn't seem like he realized what was happening, though, good for him.

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