Chapter 2

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The sound of the rain hitting the ground. The small drops of water still running down his skin. The touch of Chan's lips... Jun didn't know if it was because he had let himself get carried away and his body had reacted on his own by instinct. But he suddenly was incredibly aware of all the sensations happening around him.

When he moved slightly away from Chan. He observed how the boy, whose face was still only inches away from Jun's, was looking at him with his eyes wide open, still not believing what had just happened. This moment of confusion only lasted a couple of more seconds. Then the young man got up and stepped back, almost falling to the ground in the process due to his clumsiness.

"W-...what. What was that for," was all he managed to say.

Jun didn't know what to answer. At that moment he was just as lost as the other boy. Especially because he never acted without thinking about it first... at least not when it came to kissing someone.

But little by little, as his heart began to relax more and his thoughts were put in order, he started to see everything much more clearly. To understand why he had never been able to accept Gwangsuk's boyfriend as his friend and the reason for the way he wanted to avoid him so much.

"...I think..." Jun timidly said. He was in a very vulnerable situation at the moment, so he wanted to choose his words as wisely as possible. "That after this it's clear that I don't hate you, right?

Chan still seemed stunned. He shook his head and frowned a little.

"Are you implying that... no, but..." Apparently, he was feeling pretty nervous, but he still approached the other young man. He hesitated a bit, though, as if Jun was a wild beast or something. "It makes no sense. Two seconds ago I was completely sure you despised me...

Thanks to the street lights Jun could see Chan's face very well. He looked a little pale.

It wasn't like he understood everything that was happening so it wouldn't be easy to justify himself and explain what the hell was going through his head. Jun looked at the ground, still sitting in the stairs, and sighed.

"I guess I should clarify this all at once..." Jun took a deep breath and stood up. He didn't approach the other boy, though. He was positive that if he did, Chan would flee with all his might. "I... like you. I've probably liked you ever since I first met you."

"That's a lie."

"Oh, c'mon, why would I lie in something like this? Just listen to me, okay?"

Chan nodded, but it was obvious that he still didn't really believe him. Jun crossed his arms and continued.

"At first I didn't know why I was always so angry every time I saw you. Especially when you were with Gwangsuk hyung but... now I understand. All of that was because I liked you, as simple and stupid as that." He paused. "I'm so sorry."

"Are you saying... that you just realized it right now?"

"Well... yeah. Somehow."

"That's very... weird."

"You are telling me."

Both of them remained silent for a few minutes. Jun looked into his eyes, waiting for an answer, or a reaction, anything. When he got nothing, he stated the obvious.

"I'm not saying this because I hope you feel the same way. You're dating my best friend and I don't want to get in your way. At all. I just had to tell you because... I had to explain what just happened. It has been an impulse. Not even I expected it. God, I'm such an idiot."

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