Chapter 3

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Jun looked at the ceiling of his bedroom apathetically. His eyes went through every single detail of his room, from his desk, which had his laptop on top of it with some unfinished homework waiting for him, to the shelves full of books and disorder everywhere.

When that mind-blowing talk he held with Hojung concluded, the latter told him he'd drive Jun to his apartment. On the way home, his hyung stopped insisting on Chan's topic and about how important it was for Jun to have a chat with the boy. He probably realized that the younger started feeling somewhat uncomfortable while speaking about this. Above all, and even if the older wasn't keeping any opinion to himself, Hojung was still a very respectful and thoughtful person. His intention was obviously not to make his dongsaeng feel any worse.

After saying goodbye to each other and as soon as he reached home, Jun went to his room. The first thing he tried to do was to focus all his attention on his assignments. His main purpose was to stop thinking too hard about his or others love affairs, and at the same time, he also wanted to do something productive with his time. However, not even twenty minutes later Jun noticed that his brain didn't feel up for it so, in the end, he left his laptop and lay on his bed.

He felt emotionally exhausted. To the point where he didn't even have the strength to concentrate on his studies.

Nor in anything else, to be honest.

And that was when he started looking at the ceiling.

He deeply sighed and began tossing and turning in bed, not knowing what to do. Well... maybe he knew. The fact was that he didn't dare.

Goddamn, Lee Junyoung, since when are you such a coward?

He had to contact Chan. He had to talk to him, clear everything up and find out if it was really his fault that... the younger and Gwangsuk were having problems in their relationship. There was a big chance, though, that he played no role in the matter whatsoever.

Yeah. He had to make sure... but at any rate, he needed time to prepare himself mentally too. Maybe a day or two would be enough. He had promised Hojung that he would try to talk with the boy in less than a week anyway...

He really didn't feel ready for another indirect rejection yet.


As he had thought, it took him a couple of days to gather all the courage he needed, but in the end, on a Wednesday night, he made up his mind and decided to put an end to his cowardice.

He was in his dormitory, on top of his bed (again). A dim light placed in his bedside table was illuminating the whole room. He took his phone between his hands and searched for Chan's contact.

When he found it, the first thing he did was to carefully look at his profile picture. He remembered that last time he checked his contact picture, it was a photo of a pair of slippers that Gwangsuk had supposedly redecorated for him.

Now it was just a selfie of him all alone...

But oh well, who didn't like using selfies as their profile picture. There was no reason to be such a nitpicker.

After a long time looking at his contact without knowing how or when to start the conversation, he decided it was time to stop this nonsense and just messaged him with a simple greeting.

-Wednesday, 20th June-

Lee Junyoung

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