Happy(?) to Help

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Why should I help you?

Once more, though she took her time to reply, she didn't have to wait long for one in return.


Since you're the only clue I have.

She only had enough time to consider the fact that their statement made no sense at all before another message popped up.


I've been trying to find the owner with this phone. But I didn't find any clues until now.

"I'm not exactly a clue..." She grumbled as she looked up at the ever darkening sky. As she was watching a cloud lazily make its way across it and pondering the strangers words a few more messages followed.


I would really like to find the owner.


Then God will be happy.


Oh! Sorry I didn't mention it before. I'm religious.

She sucked in a long breath and let it out through puffed cheeks. MC didn't care if this stranger was religious. She did wonder if she was talking to a guy or a girl though, the messages screamed guy at her though she wasn't quite sure why.


Never mind what I just said. I'm sorry if I weirded you out.

The message made her very aware that her nose was snarled up and her lips were twisted in confusion. Once more she looked around herself nervously and once more she couldn't see anyone suspicious when she did so.


Can you please help me? I'll make it up to you if I get to go back to Korea.

The word 'if' is what caused her eyebrow to raise suspiciously. How did this 'Unknown' plan on returning the phone if there was a chance they wouldn't return. The thought caused her stomach to twist into knots. Something was wrong here.


It's really a safe place. If you feel unsafe, you can turn around.


I know the area. It's developed.

She shook her head. This had to be some creep looking to either get a cheap laugh from her, get her into some sort of trouble, or worse. She didn't want to think of everything that fell under the worse option. Her hands moved to her purse and she was in the middle of popping the button that held the bag together when another message had her phone vibrating against her palm.



She snorted to herself as she stared at the request. Without knowing who this person was, they expected her just to jump to their request and go to a place that she still didn't know?


No. You're creepy.

As soon as she hit send she regretted it. Yes she was uncomfortable by the entire situation, but still this person's intentions could be pure. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth once again as she pondered what she had sent, for the first time it took the stranger a bit longer to reply to her.


Creepy? ...^^;;


I'm not a creep.

Making a choiceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя