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"You coming in? " asked Drew as I sat on his 'porch' as he liked to call it. More of a random slab placed near the front door.  "Yeah yeah." I slid my phone into my pocket and rubbed the back of my neck. I stood up with the intention of leaving all thoughts of Oceane behind me but I couldn't. What a mess. When I was in prison, I could deal with the food and the lack of sanitaries but the thing that killed me was not being with her.

It was the exact same a Drew's.

Lack of sanitaries

No food.

"You've eaten everything again?" I said with a smile looking in his fridge.

"Oh. oh yeah!" He said peering his head over my arm. I pulled out a new milk carton and started drinking from it. "I'm video calling Oceane later so no stupid behaviour." I glared at him wiping my mouth. "Oceane and Flynn sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G" He danced around the room. I chucked a pillow at him and he dived onto the floor. I smiled and shook my head. He walked over to his computer and said "So, I haven't found much on Danny's men. At the minute the people following us, in the eyes of the police, might have nothing to do with him. So going to the cops is just off limits." I stroked my stubbled chin. "Right. We need to find out what Danny is planning. We need bait." I said pacing up and down. "Yeah bait.... hang on? BAIT?" He spun around. "Woah woah flynny boy. You don't mean get caught be these guys and be on the inside." He continued. "Exactly," I said turning and pointing a finger at him with a smirk. "I can do it. You'll be fine." I said chucking my hands behind me. "Yeah from Danny's men maybe but not from your girl I won't be! She wants me to make sure you don't do anything to get arrested or in trouble!"

"Look Drew, I'm a bad boy. I'm a bad guy. I can be manipulative in ways you can't even imagine." I dropped onto the chair opposite him. "Oceane loves that about me. Good girl, Bad boy. As long as I don't get hurt, she'll be fine with it! Tonight I will be my charming self and then I will tell her the plan!" I reassured him. "Yeah okay, Man. Good luck with that." He scoffed and turned back. "She takes a lot from you, you know. she can see your manipulative side. You cracked last time it showed. All she has to do is wear tight clothes and have her hair down. You're done." He laughed.

"I'm only Human! Have you even looked at Oceane? Hang on don't answer that question" I said laughing back taking off my shirt and spraying deodorant.  He smiled as he typed. I'm going to get payback for that time. She's going to wish she hadn't been such a tease. Once I've wooed her, I will tell her the plan.

Saving Emma: We Fall Like Dominos Book 5.Where stories live. Discover now