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"Crap, Crap, crapety crap." I said stuffing the rest of my waffle in my mouth. Noon and this much drama has happened already. I folded up Flynn's note and pulled out my phone to call him. 

I heard a buzz.

I looked into the spare room and saw his phone lying on the bed.

Smart arse.

No, no, bad bad bad. What the hell do I do? Oceane will panic, im panicking! Oh no no no. I have to call her. I'm a dead man walking.

I put my hand up to my mouth and dialled Oceane.

"Oceane?" I said.

"You need to get back to town. Now." 

"Woah woah Drew what's up?" She said.

"Flynn's gone."

"WHAT! GONE! DREW!" She yelled. I pulled the phone away from my ear slightly, grabbed my jacket and headed out the door.

"Look I know. It looks bad but it gets worse." I say putting my car into gear.

"ANDREW KINGSTON I SWEAR TO GO.." She started saying.

"Look he's just left his phone that's all." I said really trying to panic. 

"I'm going to pass out..." She said breathing heavily.

"Where the hell were you?" She asked.

"That's irrelevant!" Well me getting food is relevant but she doesn't need to know what I was doing.



 She's actually passed out.

Saving Emma: We Fall Like Dominos Book 5.Where stories live. Discover now