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"You can't keep her safe for long Winters." In strolled Danny, looking down on me.

"Oh but I can. You will have to kill me first." I bit back.

"I could do that! But there's no fun in it! I need. To make. You suffer."  He got closer and closer to me. "But why Danny? Yeah okay Jinxy is in prison but is that enough for you to want to ruin my life and everyone I love?" I asked. 

"But you see it's not just that. and you know it." He replied, pointing a finger at me.

"How do I know it? Because Honestly, I really, really don't."

"Your family should of stopped Winters. They should of stayed out of our business and so should of the smiths." And with that he closed the door and I was in silence again.

What does he mean by my family? My Mom had been long dead when Danny met Emma. If John knew them... that would be strange. Let me think back... Daniel Sambello... Sam...bello... I knew a Vanessa Sambello? but personally I didn't know her, know her. I think she was a friend of Mom. But no way are they related because that would of meant I grew up in the same apartment building as Danny.

No one knew Tonie. Apart from me obviously him being my parole officer. I haven't spoken to him in years. But then what does Oceane have to with it? If Vanessa was a friend of Mom, Elta must of known her. Which connects them. But that would just be... impossible. I don't remember any children though.  So Elta, Mom and a Vanessa Sambello knew eachother? What could they of done to make Danny hate their children? Unless John had something to do with them. Yes I call my Dad John.

He's no father to me.

Time for a flash back.

After I moved in with Mrs Smith and Oceane, one night she left for an hour or two. She told us she had to speak to John. I remember begging her and begging her not to go, but I was only a kid. She had no reason to pay attention to me. She went and once she returned, she was saying how sorry she was for something. I don't know what. Mom had left about three days prior. But that conversation with John... I have no idea what it was about. She was so distraught and apologetic. For the next few years she could never look at me and Emma in the eyes.  I took as her best friend going missing, but now? I think John told her something.

But then again, this is all speculation.


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