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[lee donghyuck]

donghyuck looked around the lunch room until he spotted mark lee eating the food he had gave him. that made donghyuck happy, but now, he had nothing to eat. but like an angel sent from heaven, zhong chenle waltzed into the cafeteria with a smile plastered on his face and joy to spread to his classmates. "donghyuckie hyung! hi!" He said skipping up to meet the older, his mint hair bouncing each time his feet hit the ground. "hyung wheres your lunch? arent you hungry?" donghyuck sighed, he didnt like lying to the annoying but sweet brat, "i left it at home, i was in a rush to get ready." he smiled weakly, "dont worry, chenle has got you covered come on, I have enough for both of us!"

donghyuck was so lucky to have zhong chenle in his life.

You have received a message from your friend, Jeno!

hey hyuckie he took it, just letting you know

Jeno was last seen recently

thanks, nana didnt come in today just so you know

hyuck was last seen recently

you received a message from someone you follow!

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