24 [confess:]

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[lee donghyuck:]

I took my hand out if his. This isnt right, he likes someone else. Not me,

"I- mark dont."


"No Mark. Dont 'donghyuck' me. Mark, its not fair okay? You like someone, probably some pretty girl, maybe Wendy? You guys are both from canada, shes going to love you and you love her and I'll just be here. Loving you..." he Exhaled.

"No listen Donghyuck. I don't love wendy, or irene, or seulgi, none of those pretty girls. I don't love lisa or jisoo or rosé. I love this one guy, and he has the most pretty smile. And tan skin, but he eyes ugh i drown in them. And I have this this cute nickname for him. I will start calling him Fullsun, or Haechan. I met him over anonymous message even though I didnt know it was him. Our first impression he kind of avoided me, but he came over for a movie and I wanted that to last forever. He spent that night with him, he slept in my bed with me, and I hugged him that night, he doesn't know that. And I cried a little. Because i knew he would never want to be with me."

Haechan was at a loss for words.

"Well I-"

"I'm in love with you lee donghyuck, and I'm sorry I never told you..."

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