12 [cost]

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[mark lee]

"What do you know about lee donghyuck?"

"it's going to cost you. You know that right?" Renjun said, "I know, here is 20$ upfront." I said handing him the money out of my back pocket. He took it and said, "let's go to my table."

I nodded following the boy to the secluded side of the lunch room where no one usually sat.

"What do you want to know about Hyuck?" He said as we walked, "as much that will get him to talk to me and be my friend." mark said honestly.

As the boys sat, neither of them knew donghyuck entered the cafeteria with Na Jaemin and Kim Jungwoo, and were told to sit down at Mark's table once Yukhei saw Jungwoo.

"Well, Donghyuck works at the convenience store by the school, after school, every Wednesday, thursday, and Friday. He lives 2 miles from the school in a small house with his deadbeat dad and alcoholic mother, but you didnt hear that from me, got it." Renjun snapped, I nodded. "His instant message name is hyuck but the 'u' is a 'v.' donghyuck is bestfriends with Na Jaemin, Zhong Chenle, Kim Jungwoo and Lee Jeno."

"Wait Jeno?" renjun nodded, "he is really close with me and jaemin though, I'm really close with his family. That's why I'm confused as to why you want to know about him. What else would you like to know?" renjun asked.

"Is he into guys?"

"Yes, that's all you get with twenty dollars, if you want to know more it's going to cost more."

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