Chapter 1 Dirty Converse = Perfection

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I grabbed my extra larger bowl of popcorn as I sat down on the couch. There's no other days like these were I can truly enjoy the glory of having Netflix.

Julia: May I ask what happened with Linda?

Robbie : She wasn't the right one, I guess.

"I'm with you Robbie. Definetly not." I murmured as popcorn filled my mouth.

Julia: Did you have any idea she wasn't the right one when you were together?

Robbie: I should have. Uh, I remember we went to the Grand Canyon one time. We were flying there and I'd never been there before and Linda had, so you would think that she would give me the window seat but she didn't and... not that that's a big deal, you know. It's just there were a lot of little things like that. I know that sounds stupid...

Julia: Not at all. I think it's the little things that count.

There was a soft knock on the door as I sighed. Who interrupts my romcom rituals at this moment? I shoved some more popcorn inside my mouth as I put on my giraffe slippers. I peaked inside the little circular glass on the door. I laughed. I opened the door as I saw a soaking wet Adriana standing right in front of me. Yup. That's my best friend.

"What happened to you?" as I covered my mouth trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Haha! Yeah very funny I can see you're laughing your ass off." Adriana took off her coat as she marched straight to the laundry leaving a trail of droplets.

"I'll grab the mop." as I chuckled a little finally relieving a bit of the laughter I was carrying inside. Adriana was squeezing the water out of her hair as I grabbed a towel from the cabinet.

"This is what happens when you become roomates with Karen. Awkard things start catching up to you too."

"Oh please. You know you enjoy it when I go through embarring stuff." as I threw the towel at Adriana. "This better be good. I did not stop my romcom rituals to not hear a story out of this."

"You didn't wait for me?" said Adriana as she gave me a disappointing look.

" were too busy taking a shower." I laughed as she rolled up the towel and threw it at my face.

"For your information I successfully unclogged a toilet. Sadly it didn't go as I hope it would... and that was the mens restroom...." as she shoved her coat as I threw in the towel inside the washing machine. "I should be winning an award for this. Better yet...I should be upgraded to assistant manager." as she mumbled with disappointment.

I truly do feel bad for her. Not just that but she sticks like a dead sunk. I tried holding my breath as I slowly exit out the laundry room.

"You know I have a collection of fruity bath bombs. I'll leave the box open for you to choose. It your call!" as I yelled and went straight to the bathroom. I grabbed the collection of bath bombs as I placed it next to the tiny table we have inside the bathroom. On the way back to the living room I grabbed the mop and started to clean up the mess Adriana had left.

"Still smells like sunk." as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Febreze from the cabinet. I danced like a ballerina as my air finally started to purify. I hadn't realized till I finally stop dancing that the movie was already over.

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"Five more minutes please?" I murmed as my door flew open right after I snoozed my alarm.

"Hey wake up! You gotta see this!" said Adriana as she rushed back to the television that was on. I grumbled as I slowly stood up and scratched my head.

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