Chapter 2 After Party

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"So I have to cancel for Saturday." I finally said as I took a sip of my lemon tea. I placed the tea back to the coffee table as I waited for my best friend's response. Adriana rolled her eyes at me with huge disappointment.

"What? Seriously. But it's our ritual! Can't you tell the lady you'll pass?"

I wish could  I thought to myself. But honestly I can't let an opportunity slip by like this. If anything, I should be glad Mrs. Russo had me in mind for this job.

"I'm sorry.... I really mean it."

"Fine but..." as Adriana trailed off in her own thoughts, "you have to get me some street tacos after your done with your shift."

"Deal." as I put my hands up in the air.

Adriana's phone started buzzing but she waited after the third ring to answer. She has this tendency of always doing that, she says that the cool way to answer. She picked up her phone and a big bright smile flashed across her face. Oh here we go.

"Hey Ryder what's up?"

"Ima go." I mouthed to her as I grabbed my cup of tea. She gave me a thumbs up as she relaxed in the couch. Ryder has been my friend for a pretty long... or should I say since birth. He is my older brother by two years but obviously I'm the wisest. I don't know what Adriana sees in him but all I can say is that sparks stared blooming when she met him the day of my high school graduation party. Ever since then they've been talking nonstop. I mean...I don't know if they are dating yet or they are just too afraid to confront me about it. Who cares, as long as both of them are happy that's all that matters to me. They are really meant to be for each other. I looked outside my window as I saw cars passing by and the lights were bright enough that you could see everything. That's when my eyes laid on two kids, a boy and a girl, both were sitting down on the sidewalk eating ice cream. The little boy had finish eating his ice cream as he tasted the tips of his fingers. The little girl looked at him and laughed. She cut a piece from her waffle cone and gave it to him. He took the piece of waffle and used it as a spoon as the little girl offered him to take some of her ice cream.

"Karen?" said a voice from behind. 

"Huh?" as I turned around and saw Adriana standing on my bedroom door. 

"What were you doing?" she asked as she gave me a questioning look.

"I was just admiring how these two little ki-" as I turned around to look at the boy and the girl outside but they had vanished. 

"Kids? Outside at this hour? You're crazy." 

I turned around to look at Adriana. I sighed. "Yeah...I guess I'm just imaging what it would be like to be a kid again." I laid down on my bed as I looked up at the ceiling.

"What's on your mind?" as she scanned my face. Trying to figure it out what was going on with my emotions. "You've been a bit weird since the morning when we were watching the Oscar nominees."

"How about you tell me how's my brother doing?" I said switching the topic. 

"Karen you're changing the subject. Don't think I don't know." 

"No it's really nothing, I think it's just one of those early menopause days."

Adriana chuckled. "You're kidding. You're barely twenty and early menopause stage doesn't start till late forties. You're no where near there." 

"Yeah you're right but anyhow, how's Ryder?"

Adriana blushed. I rolled my eyes. Still don't know what she sees in him but my brother is one hell of a lucky guy. 

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