Chapter 9: Untold Story

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Seulgi's P. O. V

Fuck that Irene. She's always irritating me, whenever she's near me I want to strangle her. Like earlier she told me that i deserve to be a nanny coz  I looked like one ugh! Be thankful Irene cause Daehan was with me if not i will kill you.

And I was chasing Daehan, he ran away when me and Irene was in the middle of argument. And Wendy? I left her inside the cafeteria she's teaching Daehan how to get a girl myghad!! If Lisa know this she will die.

I'm now here at the corridor chasing Daehan.

"Commandeeeerr" I shouted then i heard some giggled. I rush towards the sound then I saw.... Jennie?! Omfg.

Kill me now.

What should I do?!

Should i leave Daehan there?

But Lisa will kill me.

"S-Seulgi?" She said. Omg omg omg I can feel the sweat all over my body. What will i tell her if she ask me? Omg lisa I'm so sorry.

"Comraaaaade" Daehan ran towards me then I carried him. I think i have the reason to escape here.

I was about to turned my back when Jennie speak "Is he your son?" Wtf my son? No way. I don't like responsibilities.

"W-what?" I asked

She moved forward to reach us but I'm moving backward. Shit! I'm fuck up. I'm so sorry Lisa huhu.

"Your son?" She asked again with a big smile. But lisa said earlier that she didn't care if Jennie will know it so I'll tell her that Daehan's not mine kekeke.

"No. I'm just babysitting this baby" I patted daehan's head, he smiled at me then he looked at Jennie "Annyeooongg~" He said with his cute baby voice then he bowed while I'm still carrying him.

Even though Lisa's a badass she's still teaching Daehan how to become polite and respectful.

Jennie caress Daehan's shoulder "Hello baby boy, what's your name?" She asked smiling ear to ear

"I'm Dae-han Ma-no-ban" He emphasize every single word. My eyes got widened in shock and so as Jennie. Fuck i think it's not my fault? Right guys? Right? I will tell Lisa that it's Daehan's fault he introduced himself alone.

"Daehan?" She confusedly asked. What should i do? Where's Wendy? I think i will faint here because of nervousness.

"Yes Daehan Manoban, my Dada is----" He cheerfully said. Myghad Daehan stop. I covered his mouth to stopped him.

I smiled at Jennie forcefully "Yes he's Daehan. Le-let's go Daehan, we need t-to go Je-Jennie" I stuttered. I turned my back then she grabbed my arm.

What do you want bitch?!!!

I smiled at her forcefully "Is there any problem?" I asked in a nice way.

She shook her head and ask "Is he Lisa's son?"

I felt my whole world became small and I saw my surroundings became dark. Fuck what should I do?

"That's my Dada" Daehan shouted. I saw Jennie gulped and so as me. I almost choke on what she asked earlier.

I sighed, I'm so sorry Lisa "Yes. He's Lisa's son" I said then i looked away. I saw how Jennie dropped her handkerchief. I looked at her then I saw her teary eyed.

What's happening? Omg.

"H-hey what's the matter?" I grabbed her arm and i lead her to a bench near the school garden.

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