Chapter 51: Fear

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Jennie's P. O. V.

It's been a week since I went back here in korea and it's also a week sine we did the IVF and Embryo Transfer. The doctor told us that there's a chance to have a baby and there's none since it was our first time to do it. There's a lot of couple out there who's having a hard time with it the doctor told us.

I'll be happy if the process will make it and it's okay also for me if not since I'm still in trouble. No one knows that we did that process since we're not yet sure.

After that process, Me and lisa decided to go to northern thailand. She brought me there in Chiang mai and sukhothai where the Lantern festival always been done. It's one of my dream to be there someday but unfortunately we're late. It was celebrated on the full moon day of november and it's November 23. We got there a couple of days after. She promised me that she will bring me there next year, I hope so. I felt bad for daehan because I left him there without saying goodbye. It will be hard for us if he cried in front of me because I'm leaving so we decided to not to.

Until now, I don't want to go to school. No one knows that I'm here except rosé and wendy. I didn't tell to my dad that I was here already. I'm sure that If hanbin sees me in the school today, he will tell to my father as soon as possible.


I was startled because someone shouted inside my unit. I walked out of my room and I saw rosie removing her scarf. I look outside and it's snowing, Woow I really love winter.

"We should go to school! Prepare yourself" She excitedly said, I shook my head and went towards her.

"That's a bad idea rosie. Someone will sees me there and my father will come after me" I said, Im really afraid of my father. Really I am.

"So you're planning to got rotten here? C'mon unnie not all the time you can hide here. I'm sure your father will find out that you're already here. Face him and tell him that you're not going to marry hanbin" She said as she slump her ass on the couch.

"As if it was that easy" I mumbled, she look at me and heave a sigh.

"You're making it hard. Just wash yourself and I'll wait you here. You've been away for week and all of the professors were worried. If you're afraid of hanbin, we're all here for you" She assured, I gave her forceful smile and went inside my room.

I don't have any choice but to follow rosie. She will not going to leave there until I said yes. Maybe she's right, I should face my fears.

I quickly took a shower and wear my winter suit. I took my phone and open it. I saw Lisa's message saying:

"Hey baby! How are you today? If you're going to ask me how am I, well I'm really exhausted on work. There's a lot of papers to be sign off but don't worry I'm pretty much okay here. I hope you're doing well baby. Update me every minute that you're doing, I love to hear any stories about your day. I love you so much xoxo."

I smiled as I read it. She never failed to sent me a long messages everyday since we got separated last week.

"I'm good baby. I'm heading to our school today, chaeyoung fetch me. Get some rest love! I hope daehan were not crying anymore. Let's have a video call later. I love you too xoxo"

I sent the message and walked out of my room. I saw rosé scrolling down on her phone.

"Finally!" She rolled her eyes and got up from her seat. I walked towards kuma and patted his head before we leave.

We went outside the building and rosie was the one who drove the car. The street was slippery due to the snow pouring since last night.

"Here we goo" Rosé said as soon as she parked the car.

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