chap.1:Summer vacation

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In your high school, you always got bullied! You got bullied because you didn't like girly thins, or, you didn't act girly, and, oh ya, you had a condition. You would twitch, tick, or crack at random times! But, the bullying will stop today! Because today was summer vacation! You had a beautiful sleep. You got up and brushed you h/c hair for the day. While you brushed your hair, you also brushed you pearly white teeth. When you where done, you started packing a bag to spend a week some where. You where going to your tree house you built deep in the woods. It was practically a house! It had a small TV, some wall plugs, a bed, and even a small gaming room! You grabbed your laptop, your charger, your phone, your phone charger, and your bag, and head out to the woods. When you reached your tree house, it was midnight, ya, it's that far away, and you walked! You put your bag in the game room, and went strait to bed. You started to hear ticking while you where falling asleep, but it wasn't you, but you fell asleep anyways, having a dreamless night. When you e/c eyes flickered open, you where starring face to face with a guy around your age. He had brown hair, orange goggles, a blue hood, a stripe sleeve jacket, jeans, boots, and a belt that held two very sharp hatchets. You starred into his eyes through the goggles. After a minute or two, he just jump out your window. You were in a really high tree, so you ran over to the window, to see if the man was alright, but, there was nothing there but nature. You shrugged, ticked, and put some bread in the toaster while you grabbed your laptop.

Auther's note: Hey guys! Just wanted to say, this is my FIRST creepy-pasta x reader! So, tell me how it is, and what needs to be changed or added! But, please vote, comment, and follow!

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