♥️Chapter 2♥️

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A/N: picture credit goes to the creator of the image.

Hunter woke up from a nightmare, trying not to cry out so as to let Duna sleep. "Hunter, are you ok?" Duna asked him nervously. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, I was just having a bad dream. I'm fine now that it's over," Hunter said. "What was it about?" Duna asked him, "I don't think I can tell you," Hunter said. "Hunter, the longer you keep this to yourself, the harder it will be to say it later," she said. "Yeah, you're right," Hunter said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "In my dream, everything seemed normal for a bit at the start. As it went on, though, I started to hear someone screaming. It sounded fairly close by, so I ran towards the scream," he began.

Hunter's Dream (a/n: this part is really sad. Figured I'd give you guys a fair warning)

Hunter jumped up and ran towards the source of the screaming. He knew that he needed to hurry to find the screaming person. He ran straight through a door and found out who had been screaming. He gasped in horror and became paralyzed with fear. "Hunter, help me, please!" Duna said, starting to sob. "Be quiet, girl!" Somebody said, and Hunter noticed that the person had a knife. Hunter ran towards Duna, but he was too late. The person stabbed Duna in the stomach, threw the knife into a bag, and left. "H-H-H-Hunter..." Duna said. "I'm so sorry, Duna. I shouldn't have just stood in the door and watched. I wish I hadn't hesitated when I saw you in here," Hunter said, beginning to cry. "D-d-don't c-c-c-cry about me, H-H-H-Hunter. I knew you never loved me anyway. I w-w-was a-a-always j-just a d-d-d-distraction t-to you. I a-a-always kn-kn-knew th-th-that you l-loved Rosie m-m-more than y-y-you e-ever l-loved m-m-me," Duna said weakly, "That's n-not true! I love you so much, Duna! Please, hang in there, for me! I love you more than words can possibly say. I'll never forget you as long as I live," Hunter said, beginning to loose his composure. "I-I-I-I l-l-l-love y-y-you t-t-too," Duna said, gently pulling Hunter into a final kiss. With her last breath, she told Hunter, "I love you, and I will never be far away." Then, she was still, and Hunter started sobbing uncontrollably, hugging Duna's body.

End of dream

"Oh, Hunter!" Duna exclaimed, "I am so sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic experience, even if it was just a dream," she continued. "It just seemed so real!" Hunter exclaimed. "I will always be here with you, Hunter," Duna said, and she gave him a short kiss to calm him down. "Thank you, Duna. I don't know how I could possibly live without you," Hunter said. "Hunter, you will never have to live without me," Duna said soothingly, "ever." Hunter looked at her and smiled broadly, "you always know how to cheer me up," he said, "I know. Cheering you up is one of my many specialities," she replied, grinning at him. "Oh. I just got a text from Rosie. She wants to know if we want to have a fossil battle with her," Duna said, "What do you think?" Duna asked him. "Let's do it. I'll write Holt a note so that he doesn't get too worried about us," Hunter answered.

A few minutes later, after Hunter wrote the note to Holt, he and Duna left to meet up with Rosie in the Fossil Stadium. Hunter merely nodded at Rosie, who was clearly trying to attract his attention. "We're each allowed to use three Vivosaurs, just like in a traditional fossil battle," Rosie told Hunter. "Sounds good to me," Hunter said. He had already chosen his three Vivosaurs that he was going to use. In the AZ, Hunter had Duna. In his two SZ positions, he had Guan and Orno. Rosie had her Siamo in the AZ, and Saichan and Nychus in the SZ. This should be easy, Hunter thought to himself. All Fire-types and no Air-types. I have the elemental advantage over all of her Vivosaurs just by using Duna, Hunter thought.

Being hit by one of Duna's attacks was nearly impossible to survive, considering the 90% attack increase from Guan, combined with a 90% accuracy increase from Orno. Soon, the only Vivosaur that Rosie had left was her Siamo. Hunter suddenly noticed something off about the Siamo. He could get it to one LP, but he couldn't hurt it any further. What's more, he had been unable to find his Igno dino medal when he was setting up his team. Wait, how could this have happened? Duna thought, the kind of technology that would allow a fighter to disguise a Vivosaur doesn't even exist yet. Duna turned and looked at Hunter, trying to telepathically communicate what she had discovered about Rosie's Siamo. Hunter suddenly heard Duna's voice coming from inside of his head, saying: Hunter! It's a trap! Rosie's Siamo is your Igno! She somehow managed to disguise it as a Siamo! That's why it's only at one LP, but we can't kill it!

Hunter nodded and chose to forfeit the match. Before he could, however, the Siamo had transformed into Igno. Rosie was desperately trying to get it to go back into its dino medal, but it wasn't working. Hunter rushed forward, trying to get it to recognize him so that it would go back into the medal. Before he could reach it, however, it charged towards him. He got back to safety, however, turning around, he saw Duna trying to run towards him. Igno was right behind her. "DUNA! LOOK OUT!" Hunter shouted. Duna looked behind her and saw Igno preparing to bite her. She attempted to sharply turn to the right to try to confuse it, but Igno saw it coming and closed its jaws as quickly as it could. Duna felt herself being lifted off of the ground in Igno's jaw, and the last thing that she saw before passing out was Hunter's horrified face upon seeing her in Igno's jaws.

Hunter grabbed Igno's dino medal and forced Igno to go back into it. He put the medal in his portable VMM, glared at Rosie, and ran to Duna. "Please, Duna. Stay with me. Don't let go, I love you," Hunter said when he reached her. He checked her vitals. She was alive, barely, and that was the only thing that mattered to Hunter. Don't worry, Hunter. I'm going to be okay, you just have to stay with me and stay optimistic, a voice said in Hunter's head, and he realized that it was Duna's voice. He tried communicating with her telepathically, like she was communicating with him. Of course I'll stay with you, and I'll stay optimistic too. I love you so much, Hunter thought, hoping that Duna could hear him.

Duna heard Hunter's voice, and she knew that he had tried using telepathy to send her a message. Of course I'll stay with you, and I'll stay optimistic too. I love you so much, his voice said. She was happy to hear his voice, and if she had been able, she would have smiled at him. She sent him another telepathic message, telling him how much she liked his message.

Hunter was waiting to hear that Duna had heard his message. Hunter, I got your message. It cheered me up so much to hear your voice. I'm glad that you're here to protect me, and I love you too. I'll make sure that I stay alive for you, Duna said in his head. Hunter smiled, and he made sure that she got the help she needed. He didn't try to pick her up himself, not wanting to make her injuries any worse than they already were. At the hospital, Hunter insisted that he be allowed to hold Duna's hand, so that she knew that he was with her.

I must say, I cried when I wrote the part with Hunter's dream. This whole chapter really tugs at the heartstrings, in my opinion. Let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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