♥️Chapter 5♥️

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The next day, Duna woke up before Hunter, but she decided to let him sleep. She felt exhausted from the previous night, and she didn't really care what anyone did as a result. Hunter woke up a few minutes later. "How'd you sleep?" He asked Duna. "Not as good as before I got pregnant, but still good," Duna replied casually, "How did you sleep?" She asked him. "I slept alright," Hunter replied simply. "I don't feel like doing anything today," Duna said, looking at Hunter. "I have an idea," Hunter said. "What do you mean you have-?!" Duna began, before being cut off by Hunter picking her up. He carried her to the couch and laid her down on it. "Thank you, Hunter," she said. "No problem," Hunter replied.

"I've got to get some things from my bag, I'll be right back," Hunter said, walking to their bedroom, and before long, Duna could hear him looking for something. "Aha! I found them!" He suddenly exclaimed, scaring Duna. He came back into the room with a device that looked like a laptop, as well as a few cases. "What are those used for?" Duna asked him curiously. "Well, this," Hunter said, holding up the device that looked like a laptop, "is a portable DVD player, and these," Hunter said, picking up the cases, "are DVDs. Here, I'll show you how it works," he said. Duna watched him closely as he put the disc into the player and closed it. "Now what?" She asked. "You just turn it on and press this button here," Hunter explained, gesturing to a button that looked like an arrow. "And to pause or stop it, you press one of these buttons," he continued, gesturing to a button that had two parallel lines and a button that had a square on it.

"So, do you want to watch movies today?" Hunter asked. "That sounds wonderful," Duna replied excitedly. They started with a film called Star Trek Into Darkness, and Duna really seemed to identify with the character of John Harrison, due to his intelligence. Afterwards, they watched Pirates of the Caribbean, which made both Hunter and Duna laugh. "I don't think that I've ever heard you laugh like that before. In fact, I think that I've only ever heard you giggle before," Hunter said, "I like it when you laugh," he added. Duna began to blush, and she smiled at him. "So, what do you want to watch now?" Hunter asked her. "What else do you have?" Duna asked him curiously. "Well, other than the two we've already watched, I've also got Toy Story, San Andreas, Cars, Apollo 13, and The Polar Express," Hunter said. "Hmm... I like the sound of Toy Story, honestly," Duna replied.

By the end of the day, Hunter and Duna had watched all of the movies that Hunter had with him. Duna was particularly fond of The Polar Express because of the catchy songs in it, in addition to the suspenseful parts. Hunter yawned loudly. "I think that I'm going to go to bed," he said. "I'll race you!" Duna exclaimed happily, and she ran out of the room without another word. "Oh, it's on now," Hunter said to himself, chasing after Duna. By the time he got to the bedroom, Duna was already sound asleep. Hunter shrugged and laid down next to her, falling asleep moments later.


Hunter and Duna were awoken by the sound of an alarm going off. They sprinted out of their room and accidentally ran right into Dynal. "Sorry about that. We were just leaving to find you and ask you why there's an alarm going off," Hunter said. "Well, someone's teleported aboard without authorization. I don't know much more, but I will try to keep you up to date with the situation," Dynal replied, and he left the room. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. Hunter went to answer it, and he wished that he hadn't.

There in front of him stood Rosie Richmond. "How did you-?" Hunter began. Rosie cut him off by grabbing him and kissing him. Duna happened to walk in at that precise moment, and she responded quickly. She ran around Hunter, grabbed Rosie from behind, and pulled her away from Hunter. "What do you think you're doing?!" Rosie asked furiously. "Keeping you away from my boyfriend," Duna replied simply. She turned to go back to Hunter when Rosie said something that made her freeze. "How can you possibly believe that he loves you? What has he done to show you that he truly loves you?" Rosie said. Duna turned back to Rosie and glared at her. "He doesn't have to do anything to prove to me that he loves me. He just has to be himself, and that's all I need," she said heatedly. Rosie didn't respond for a few seconds.

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