♥️Chapter 6♥️

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Two months later

Raptin had just put the finishing touches on his project. He had built a missile specially designed to destroy the Dinaurian mothership. "Hey baby, could you come here for a moment?" He asked. "Coming!" Rosie replied. She was next to him in under a minute. "How did you get in here so fast?" Raptin asked her. "I was in the next room, you dork," Rosie answered "Anyway, what's up?" She asked him. "The missile is ready," Raptin responded. "Let's get this show on the road, then," Rosie said.


"Uh, sir? You might want to see this," a Dinaurian Protection Agency (DPA) employee told the official in charge. "What is that?" The official asked. "It appears to be some sort of missile, sir," the employee responded. "Scan it so that we know whether or not it's a threat," the official said. "Yes, sir," the employee replied. After a few minutes, he turned to the official and said, "We have to evacuate the ship. If we try to destroy it before it hits, the ship would be destroyed by the blast due to the large amount of radioactive material inside of it," he explained. "Sound the alarm, then," the official replied.

Hunter, Duna, and Dynal were having lunch with each other when the alarm went off. "C'mon, Hunter!" Duna said, grabbing Hunter's arm. She had almost left the room when she noticed that Dynal was still sitting at the table. "Father, come on, we have to get out of here!" Duna exclaimed. "You need to get going, Duna. It is my responsibility to make sure that everyone gets off of the ship safely, you know that," Dynal replied. "I love you, father. Stay safe for me, please," Duna said. "I love you too, Duna. I'll do my best to stay safe for you," Dynal replied, "Now, go! Get out of the ship before it's too late!" Dynal shouted.

Suddenly, a massive explosion rocked the mothership. The ship was ripped in half, and if Duna had been standing a few feet in front of her, she would have been killed. Dynal, however, was not so lucky. The explosion had ripped a large hole in the room, and before Duna knew it, he was sucked out of the ship through the hole. She began to cry and scream for him to come back, but she knew that it was too late; he was gone. Duna herself barely made it to the door, the suction of the vacuum of space was so powerful. She ran down the hallway on the other side of the door, took a left and then a right, and smashed straight into Hunter.

"S-s-sor-ry h-h-h-Hunter," Duna said, still crying, and she hid her face in her hands. "Duna, what happened?" Hunter asked her. Duna could only shake her head and continue to cry. "Maybe Dynal can calm you down," Hunter said, turning to look for him. Duna cried even harder when Hunter mentioned Dynal. "Duna, can you please tell me what happened?" Hunter asked her gently. "D-d-d-d-d-dead," she choked out. "Dead? Who's dead?" Hunter asked her. "D-d-d-d-d-d," she stammered. "Wait, are you trying to say Dynal?" Hunter asked her. Duna nodded rapidly and started sobbing. "I'm sorry, I was-" Hunter began. "Don't worry about it, baby," Duna said, cutting across Hunter. "I just wish I had phrased what I said better," Hunter replied sadly. "Babe, you phrased what you said as best as you could. I couldn't ask for anything more from you," Duna said.

Hunter and Duna got into an escape pod and were launched a safe distance away from the mothership. "Hunter, I have to tell you something important," Duna said. "What's up?" He asked her. "Well, Dynal was my adoptive father, and because he was the king of the Dinaurians, I became a princess due to him adopting me after our home planet was destroyed by Guhnash," Duna explained. "Wait, so that means..." Hunter said, "Yeah, I'm the queen of the Dinaurians. Kind of crazy to think about, don't you think?" Duna asked him. "Definitely," Hunter said. "You do realize that once we get married, you'll be the king of the Dinaurians, don't you?" Duna asked him. "Wait, are you serious?" Hunter asked her. "Yup," Duna replied simply. "Wow, it's just one thing after another in our lives, isn't it?" Hunter asked. "It would certainly seem so," Duna replied.

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