♥️Chapter 3♥️

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Hunter watched Duna intently. Once or twice, he thought he saw one of her eyes twitch, or felt her tighten her grip on his hand. That night, Duna started to have a nightmare, and Hunter got up and gave her a hug, which seemed to comfort her. Hunter then sat back down, still holding her hand. He felt her hand jerk out of his moments later, and he looked up to see that Duna had woken up, shaking and gasping for air. She looked around the room, and her eyes found Hunter. She moved to stand up and give him a hug, but she gasped in pain. "Just relax, Duna. I know that you want to give me a hug, but right now, you need to lay down and rest. I don't want to risk something going wrong right now," Hunter said. Duna nodded and layed back down. She looked over at Hunter lovingly, "I love you, Hunter. I love you so much more than words can say," she said. Hunter smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and he said, "I love you too, Duna. I love you too."

Duna woke up before Hunter the next morning, but she decided to let him sleep. Wow, he looks so cute and peaceful when he's sleeping, Duna thought. Hunter woke up, smiling sleepily. "Thank you, Duna," he said sleepily. "What are you thanking me for?" Duna asked him curiously, "for saying that I look cute and peaceful when I'm sleeping," Hunter said. "Well, I didn't mean to send it to you as a telepathic message, but you're welcome," Duna said, beginning to blush slightly. Hunter started to smile about something. "What?" Duna asked him, "I think that you're really cute when you blush, Duna," Hunter said, causing Duna to blush even more.

"Oh come here, lover boy," Duna said, starting to giggle as she pulled Hunter towards her. She kissed him very passionately, leaning into him. "Um, I'll just come back later," Dr Diggins said, appearing in the doorway. He left as quickly as he had appeared. "Did someone say something?" Hunter asked, pulling out of the kiss, "Does it really matter more than what you and I were doing, Hunter?" Duna asked him. "No, of course not, Duna," Hunter replied, "That's what I thought," Duna said, kissing him again with more passion than she ever had before. Hunter practically fell over with how much passion Duna was kissing him with. She pulled out of the kiss, out of breath and exhausted. "I can't go on anymore. I need a break," Duna said. "I could get used to that," Hunter said happily, smiling at Duna's back. "I could too," she replied, not turning around.

"I know what you're thinking, lover boy. Soon, that's my answer. Soon," Duna said, turning around to face him. "I love it when you call me lover boy. It makes me love you even more," Hunter said. "Well then, it's a very fitting nickname for you," Duna said, "Yep. Very fitting indeed," Hunter said with a grin. "I know that you're still thinking about doing that with me," Duna said, smirking slightly at Hunter. "Well, did you have a time frame for that?" Hunter asked her. "No earlier than three months from now," Duna replied. "Wow. And I was expecting you to say no earlier than a year from now. I'm not saying that that's what I want, it's just what I was expecting. Three months sounds much better," Hunter said.

Duna was allowed to leave later the same day, and some people began to gossip about Duna's ring when she and Hunter left the hospital. When they returned to the hotel room, Holt was waiting for them, watching a random show. When he heard them come in, he turned off the TV and looked at them. "What happened to you two?" Holt asked, "People kept asking me how you were doing, and I have no idea why," he added. "I got attacked by Hunter's Igno. Rosie had stolen it and disguised it as her Siamo. I don't see how she could have disguised it so well, though," Duna explained. She suddenly looked like she had just discovered something that she wasn't expecting. "What is it, Duna?" Hunter asked her, "Raptin. I think that Raptin helped Rosie," Duna replied, her face showing more terror. "Duna, what else did you find?" Hunter asked, more worried.

Duna's bottom lip began to tremble, and she started crying, "I-I think th-th-that R-Raptin and R-Rosie are trying t-to k-kill m-m-me s-so that R-Rosie can be with you, a-and R-Raptin can k-kill me f-for being the t-traitor h-he b-belives I am," Duna said, sobbing. "Duna, you're not a traitor! Raptin's just an arrogant idiot who can't change his ideals one bit," Hunter said, "it doesn't matter what he says or tells you," Hunter said, trying to console her. "Hunter, I'm a traitor in the eyes of just about any Dinaurian you ask. The only one that doesn't is King Dynal, and he sees me as his daughter, and I see him as my adoptive father. He should, though, I've always deviated from the Dinaurian normal. It's how I've always been," Duna said,

"Duna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make the situation worse," Hunter said, "you didn't, Hunter. I've been treated like a traitor by the other Dinaurians since I was a little girl, simply because I was more enthusiastic about learning new skills than the other Dinaurians. They never did anything when Dynal was around, though, because they were afraid that he would have them killed if they said anything against me. King Dynal still tries to help me deal with them, but I wish that he would let me try to handle it myself," Duna replied. "Duna, i dont mean to offend you, but I can tell that you can't handle this by yourself. I want to help you, and I want to make sure that nothing bad happens to you. I just want to protect you, Duna," Hunter said.

"No, Hunter. I don't want - no, I dont need protection," Duna said harshly. "Duna, please. I can't bear to loose you! I've already come close, and I don't want to have to go through that again. I can't," Hunter said. "UGH! Why does every single guy I talk to have to act like this around me?! I'm sick of it!" Duna shouted at him. "I-I-I'm -" Hunter began, but Duna cut across him, "Save it, Hunter! I'm used to people saying the wrong thing, apologizing, then say the same thing again! I don't even know why I thought that you were different Hunter! You act just like everyone else does with me!" She shouted at him angrily.

"Duna, please! I'm not going to try to force you to do anything! I was just making a suggestion!" Hunter shouted, but Duna had already ran out of the room. Hunter sat down on the fold out couch, trying not to cry. "I can't believe this. I can't believe that she's gone! I wish that I could talk to her, but she won't let me. Even if she did, she wouldn't believe a word that I'd say anyway," Hunter said. "Hunter, you have to try. If you don't, she's just going to get angrier with you," Holt said. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Holt," Hunter said, "Anytime," Holt replied.

Hunter found Duna lying on the beach, sobbing into her hands. "Um, Duna? Could I talk to you?" Hunter asked her, "I-I guess," Duna replied quietly. "I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I love you, and all I want is for you to be safe and happy," Hunter said. "Thank you, Hunter. I'm sorry for overreacting earlier. I just want to know that people see me as my own person," Duna replied. "If makes you feel any better, I've always seen you as yourself," Hunter said. "Thanks Hunter," she said, and she smiled at him. Before Hunter could say anything else, Duna jumped up and kissed him passionately. "Woah! I thought you said three months," Hunter said as Duna was trying to take his shirt off. "Aww, three months is waaaay too long," Duna whined. "I'm not complaining, just a little surprised," Hunter replied, and Duna's face lit up with a smile. "That's the answer I was hoping for," she said.

"Holy fossils, what happened to you two?" Holt asked. "What do you mean?" Hunter asked him. "You both look like you've gotten into a fight!" Holt exclaimed. "We do?" Duna asked him. "Yeah you do!" He replied. Both Duna and Hunter blushed. "I'm not even gonna ask," Holt said, walking away. "We probably should have thought about our appearances before we got here," Duna stated. "Yeah, you think?" Hunter asked her jokingly. In response, Duna playfully punched his arm.

"I love you, Duna."

"I love you too, Hunter."

New chapter! Hope you enjoyed, and as always, I'll see you in the next one!

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