I can't believe you did this

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Shinso began walking home from school , he feels someone take his hand -shinso turns to look , it is Midoriya ." Hay " "hello" shinso blushed looking away.

Yamade and aizawa walked home , aizawa can't walk home with shinso - because if A villain finds out aizawa has a kid they could hurt shinso . " Soo um aizawa are you Single" yamade asked putting his hand in his pocket,"Yeah..so?"aizawa said keeping his head down .

" do you think we could go out ..?" Yamade said with a soft blush ,"ha funny joke " aizawa said walking up to his door and unlocking it -and walking in to see ,shinso setting on The couch with Midoriya setting on his lap as they make out . " SHINSO " aizawa tells -Midoriya jumps right off shinso , they are both very red in the face . Yamade not wanting to getting into this walked passed them into aizawa's room , " what did you think you were doing ..both of you!" Aizawa yelled -out of habit he accidentally uses his quirk on both of them ." W-we...um " shinso trued saying but he was way to embarrassed to talk about all of this ," it was my fault aizawa-sensei" Midoriya said standing up and dowing down to aizawa . Aizawa sighs , he knows they are not dumb so he walks into his room -he walks in and sees yamade laying on aizawa's bed .

Shinso sighed , having his father is that was very very embarrassing ,Midoriya jut looked at shinso and held his hand taking him to his room . Back with yamade and aizawa , aizawa looked at yamade -aizawa was so confused and at the same time he knew . " you ok ?" Yamade asked aizawa who was just standing there all werid and crap .

" I'm fine ,now get off my bed " aizawa said looking yamade in the eyes -" fine fine ...but I though you loveeed meeee" yamade Wines at aizawa , who just needs sleep . Aizawa sighs " I'm going to hit you again yamade " this made yamade run off to hr bed -" So where am I sleeping ?" Yamade asked looking down at aizawa as he jumped down on his bed ." Mmm you can sleep on the floor ...there's a bed you can pull out from underneath mine " aizawa said with his face in his bed .

Yamade didn't want to sleep on the floor , so him being him layed righ one stop of aizawa -"WHAT THR FUVK YAMADE " Aizawa yelled at this added pressure . " I love you TOOO!" Yamade yelled back at aizawa ," GET OFFF MEEEEE!" Aizawa tryed kicking yamade off .

Yamade was setting on aizawa's back at this point - aizawa was just trying to hit him , when out of no where aizawa feels lips on his neck , aizawa freezes where he is . Yamade had started kissing aizawa's neck , aizawa blushed -yamade had remembered where aizawa likes it . Aizawa was a mess ,but yamade just kept going and going and goin . " Mm~" aizawa let out -making yamade stop what he was doing .
"Wow " yamade sighed and began kissing more , he wanted a bigger reaction- and he was going to get it some way .

Aizawa moaned - he was holding tight to the sheets , he was confused but at the same time he felt so good .  Yamade gave aizawa's hair a soft pull , making aizawa set up -aizaw was really red in the face now . Aizawa  and yamade just looked at each other .

" I can't believe you did this " aizawa said to him self .


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