Chapter 4

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Deku's Pov

The 4 of them saw the others.

"That's him!" Uraraka said, i just sighed.

"Dont go after them. They are my REAL friends." I said looking at tomura and Toga. Those were the 2 that were in the front.

"Deku that can't be true." Uraraka said, as she walked to me. She looked down.

"That would make me and other sad. Mostly me because..... I LIKE YOU!" Uraraka yelled. I stood in shock. I was about to tell her i then like her the same way, but Toga beat me to it.

"Sorry Sweetie, but he is mine!" She yelled. I sighed. They just wont stop.

"Todoroki and Bakugo come with us easily and nothing will happen." I said looked at them. Bakugo looked at me enraged.

"Like, i'm going with you, NERD!" He yelled. I sighed. I had believe Bakugo would give us a hard time. I looked at him.

"What happened to calling him 'Kacchan', Midoriya?" Jiro said looking at the ground. 

"I decided that 'Kacchan' was a name for someone who is a friend." I said smirking. I moved to Tomura and Toga. 

"Sorry, Uraraka, I dont feel that way towards you. I told you for Truth Or Dare what I like." I said as i put my arm around Toga.

"Thats right, sweetie." I heard Toga say.

"Just come with us and no one gets hurt, ok?" Tomura said, looking at them.

"They arent going with you." Uraraka yelled. I just chuckled. 

"If they dont come. People may get hurt." I said smirking as i looked at them.

"We arent going with u, without a fight." Bakugo yelled. I sighed as i looked around. They would place. What was it called? McDonalds was closed. No one was in there besides us. I looked at them and sighed. I didnt want to use him, but we have to.

"Have at it Kurogiri." I said as we saw his warp open under them making them fall in. They all screamed while bakugo screamed some colorful words. I chuckled.

"Lets go back." I said walking out of the McDonalds. Everyone else followed. We soon made it there. As soon as i opened the doors. I heard yelling and big bangs going around from the cell, I just sighed.

"Shut up, Bakugo. Wouldn't want to get punished.~" I said using a sing song voice as i smirked. Everybody besides the Villains and me stood shocked.

"Lets just say that Dekus punishments are very BRUTAL." I heard Toga say.

"Shut up, nerd!" Bakugo yelled. I sighed as i looked at him. 

"Lets go and Deal with him first." I said as i grabbed Bakugo. He was struggling so i decided to get the restraints from the festival. We quickly put the them on him.

"Once we walk out we should put some sleeping gas in here so itll work out better." Toga said as i dragged a angry Bakugo behind us. We made it to the room that messes with peoples head. I smirked as i put Bakugo in the chair and locked him in since he had something on his head. We had to put sleeping gas on Bakugo too. He was soon unconscious.


'That nerd! What is he thinking!?' I yelled in my head as i fell into a deep sleep. I was dreaming, when I heard yelling and screaming. My eyes opened up. (This is a dream) I saw everything I cared for get killed. It was Deku and Auntie. Those were the only people I cared for.  They got killed by A-1 our class. Why would they do that. I thought they cared about Deku.

"Thats what u get for liking Toga instead of me!" Uraraka yelled. When I woke up. Something was wrong. I started to get thoughts. Something happening to Deku. I know that no one know, but i like Deku. No one knows because I hide it with me always yelling at him. I opened my eyes again to see  a bright light. I sighed. I dont remember where i am. I saw a shadow walk infront of me. It looked alot like Deku.

"Deku, is that you?" I asked as i looked towards the figure. 

"Yes, it is. I survived what they did to me." He said as he walked out of the shadows. He was in a dress suit with out the thing on. What happened to Deku. The kid that always followed me around. The kid that would always annoy me. Where is he.

Ok guys that is all for this chapter. Tell me in the comments if you know whats gonna happen in the next chapter. Lets just say that it will be a huge plot twist. Hope you liked this chapter BYE!!

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