chapter 5

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im so sorry if i repeated chapter 4 im new to this and im so confused lol im super sorry but i got the hang of it. enjoy! :)

i wake up on a hospital bed with Tara. A smile forms on my face knowing that shes alright and were together.i think. I look at her closed eyes,her cute cheeks pale from the coldness in this room.i just creepily stare at her not even wondering if it actually looked like stalking.not controlling myself i laugh at the thought of me stalking on poor Tara.she instantly opens her eyes scanning my laughing face and smiles. ''hey babe'' she says as my heart pounds on the word babe.''good afternoon'' i reply.''what?'' she says with one eyebrow up. ''Tara we only slept for one hour and a half,dont think that its already a new da-" i say as i start to laugh at Tara thinking we slept for a day.she knugdes my arm as she blushes of me laughing at her. ''aww bae'' i say as i nibble on her cheek. out of like no where taylor walks in the room with a box. ''oh um am i interrupting something?'' he says as a little frown forms in his face.''nonono'' Tara says as she sits up.''hi Taylor'' i say as i wave to him.''h-hey stephanie'' he says as a blush creeps around his cheeks.''whats that?'' i say curiously pointing at the box hes holding. ''oh right'' he says as he walks over to Tara and me and gives it to Tara. ''oh Taylor you didnt have to..'' she says.''nah i actually wanted to since your so much better now'' he says.''aw thank you'' tara says as she opens her arms for Taylor to hug her. jealousy punched me in my gutt as i saw taylor hug tara even though i was laying next to her.''so stefannie how are you'' taylor says as he sits back down on the lame hospital thoughts snap out as i heard taylor.''im fine'' i saw akwardly to him. ''oh thats great to hear'' ''ohmigod'' Tara inturrupts as she looks at the gift.''JORDANS!''Tara yells. taylor smiles as he looks on the floor. ''HOW DID YOU KNOW IVE BEEN DIEING TO GET THESE?!'' Tara says. This time jealousy grabbed my face and knee kicked it as i heard them talk.''you know ive been seeing your profile lately and since i get a lot of sneakers i decided to get a pair for you''. he says as he smiles at Tara and looks at me.i look away.''oh my god stef arnt they sexy?!'' she says. ugh. ''yeah they sure are. i say. ''whats wrong?'' she says with a little sad puppy face.''nothing im going to the cafeteria and let you TWO talk''. i say. and storm off the room. i swear i dont know what i just did,i must have looked like an asshole but jealousy seriously beated me up.i walk into the cafeteria and get some pizza. i sit as i eat my anger out.a women sits next to me and sets her trey down. ''something bothering you sweetheart?'' she says. ''excuse me?'' i i turned to her.. her face looked familiar. ''oh sorry my manners, im Donatella and you must be ladygaga?'' she says as she helds her arm out for me to shake.i slowly held mine out and shake hers as im shocked that Donatella is talking to me.and she is looking super fine like always and in sweats and vans and oh my god ew.''so something bothering you?'' she asks again.''y-yea'' was all i could say.''that must be really stressful isnt it?'' she adds. ''yea'' i say again. still no other words popping in my head.''you can always talk to me because being stressed is something really bothering to deal with am i right'' she says as she chuckels to herself.i giggle. then i realise i find my self laughing too hard at that little comment.''haha woah calm down there sweetheart i dont want you to die on me'' she chuckels again. i just laugh more. i dont know why but i cant stop laughing.''come follow me'' she says as she stands up with her trey. ''sure'' i say.

we both get out of the hospital and theres a near by park so we go over there and sit on swings. ''so tell me whats borthering you'' she says.out of nowhere. ''its cause'' i say while sighing. this might be weird for me to tell her. even tho ive recently made an album about being who you are,i still struggle telling people that im gay.and i barely know her and what if she doesnt keep the promise.''im gay'' i blurt out.i dont know why but i did.and it felt good. real good.''woah!'' she says. i feel uncomfortable now..''and i thought i was the only one'' she says while giggling. i gotta love her she scared me for a moment.''y-your gay too?'' i ask nervously. ''well im a bisexual sweetheart,i love both genders'' she says and smiles,not regreting nothing at all. and thats what i now like about her. shes so open she doesnt regret nothing. i smile.

i tell her everything and she just kept on adding comments to every part i said which was kinda funny and made things not get awkward.''gaga just because another man brought her a gift because she got better isnt something to be mad about..'' she says being really honest with me which i love.''yea i understand maybe he likes her'' she says. ''but at this moment...'' she says pausing for a moment to remember her name. ''at this moment Tara probably needs you with her,shes probably worried right now and it might affect her health'' she says. not to think about it thats true she is probably worried right now.''your right tella'' i say. already calling her a nick name. she giggles at her nickname. ''go'' she says. wait what? she wants me to leave? did i do something wrong? ''wha-'' i say but get cut off.''go to her'' she says as she grabs my hand. ''but i cant leave you here its getting reallydark'' i say with a worried look. ''dont worry about me, go to Tara before she gets worried sick.'' she says.i smile. ''thanks tella ill go to her right now.'' i say bravely as i get up and run my way to the hospital.

i get there panting and sweating as i enter the hospital.the cold air slaps my face as i walk to the person working there. (seriously whats up with emotions/feelings hurting my body) i thought to myself.''hi im seeing a pateint'' i say to her. ''okay'' she says focusing on her computer. i go to Tara room as i gasp at what i see.

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