Chapter 2

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"Sellena come sit with me and my friends." Serius said.

" I don't get a choice do I? " I asked.

"Nope." He said smirking.
I sighed and followed him through the train.

"I have arrived." I said as Serius opened the door to the compartment, I walked forward slightly my arms outstretched.

"Hi Lenna." Peter said.

"Lenna how was your summer?" James asked.

"Fine, I mean my mum was worse then normal."

"You honestly should just come live with me and my fokes." James said. " your mum sounds like a nightmare. "

"Well..." I started.

"Okay hang on a second. " Serius said. "How in world, do you know each other?"

"We're all Gryffindor's we're all in the same year we have most of our classes together." Remus said. Raping his arm around my shoulders. As he entered the compartment . "Besides we needed someone that could get away with murder on the team. And frankly, she's very good at that, because surprisingly all the teachers love her."

"I'm loveable." I said folding my arms across my chest. Remus sat down next to peter, a small smirk on his face.

"Keep dreaming baby girl." James said. "Keep dreaming. " He said standing in fount of me. His hazel eyes meeting my green one's .

"Meany." I muttered . A small smirk appeared on his lips.

"Oh come on just kiss already." Remus said. I blush and broke the eye contact between us. But I recovered quickly.

" Moony, " I said turning to him, "You know I think your a little...."

"Oh please Star, I'm not." He interrupted.

" Good. " I said. "Now I need to go find Jamie. James do you know we're she is?"

" With Piper last time I saw but she was trying to find Vanessa. "

"Okay." I said. " well see you guys later. "
I left the compartment and walked down the aisle a little till I saw them.

"Well see you guys are having fun without me." I said as I opened the compartment door. "Come on girl do you not like being around the boys? Jamie your one of us come on." Grabbing her wrist and pulling her along to were the boys were, Vanessa had followed though she didn't seem very happy.

The boys were discussing the upcoming year when I crashed the party.

"Your Queen has arrived!" I said loudly . "Also James I thought it was your job the train your sister in our amazing arts."

"Sorry, your majesty." James said. I sat beside him leaning against his shoulder and resting my feet on Remus's lap, he rolled his eyes.

"Star you're annoying."

"Right back at you Moony. " I said. "I mean it gets tiring, I'm very patient, but our fury little problem is really affecting my studies."

"Studies? Oh please, you know that it's not the problem, I get my work done fine, Unlike someone I know or a couple someone's, cough cough the twins."

"Hey! Actually I can't argue serius how do you pass your exams every year? " I asked

"Your a prat, and I'm still upset with you guys."  He said.

"Okay I'm gonna go find Lily. " Vanessa said.

"Wait! Okay never mind have fun!" I called after her.

"So guess who got a new wand." I said .

"Another one?" Peter asked.

"Yes Pete another one. Serius broke mine over the summer." I said pulling out my new wand.

"Is it Dogwood?" Remus asked

"It's 10 1/2 inch, Dogwood, Thestral core of some sort." I said.

"What's a Thestral?" Jamie asked.

"That's a very difficult question to answer." I said.

"A Thestal is....." Remus started.

"I'll give you a breff summery, a Thestral is a magical beast that can only be seen by thought who have seen death." I said.  "They actually pull the carriages from the station to the castle."

"That's actually correct. " Remus said. "But how do you know the pull the carriages?"

"Can you see what's piling the carriages? " I asked.

"No, I assumed it was by magic."

"I did to till the end of last year. "

"What do you mean? Do you see them?"

"Here's the thing I can sort of see them."

"What do you mean by sort of?"

"Well I can see them if I will myself to."

"Um... okay."

"You guys are so annoying." Jamie said.

"Excuse me missy did you just call your Queen annoying?" I asked standing in front of her.

" Yes." She answered.

"Ya no you're no longer second in command." I said.  "Hand over the badge."

"Hay Star" Remus said

"What do you want?"

"I have a question from earlier. What really affects your studying?"

"You, and my love for being as annoying as possible to all the other people's in this school."

Peter made a coughing noise that sounded exactly like James. And I have to admit that's not a lie.

Sellena BlackWhere stories live. Discover now