Chapter 4

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The quidditch pitch was quite when the team got there. That was about to change.

"I'm back Jackson did you miss me." I asked our team captain, Luke Jackson he's two years above us.

"No, not really." He said. Me and Sirius were betters for the team. We were the best at Hogwarts. Jackson didn't really like Sirius and me but he needed us so he put up with my annoying brother.

Oh and me I guess.

"Okay team we have tryouts tomorrow to make sure we have the right people." Jackson said. "I hope no one will be upset if they end up off the team."

"Also we need two Chasers." I said. "Gosh Jackson I thought you were a good captain." I said putting my arm around his shoulder. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." I said dramatically pretending to faint. But Sirius has it out for me and made me trip, and of course Jackson cought me.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." He mocked, setting me on my feet.

"Shut up." I muttered, blushing. I glared at Sirius.

"You can't kill him until I don't need him." Jackson said as if reading my mind.

"But...." I pleaded.

"No." He said sternly. 

"Fine." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hay Jackson if you had to get rid of one of the twins witch would it be?" James asked.

"James what did you just do?" Piper asked.

"I'm pretty sure I started a war." He said shrugging.

"Jackson don't answer." Piper said.

"No, no. Jackson I'd like to hear the answer." I said.

"I'd get rid of Sirius." He said.

"What?!  But Sellena's so annoying. " Sirius complained.

"That's the point."

"Exactly." I said. "Wait what?"

"She annoys the other team as well at flerts with them to distracts them." He said.

"Exactly." I said smiling.

"Besides Jackson likes me better in general."

"Sure." Sirius said.

"Jackson you like me better right?" I asked.

"Ya, sure. " He said blushing slightly.

Okay so Im haven't been updating a lot because I've been busy with school, ballet, and I'm also writing another story so this one might take longer for me to update. I'll update every once on a while though. You should go read my other book it's called The Maledictus)

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