Chapter 3

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Sorry this chapter took so long to publish I had nutcracker, from 2 Saturdays ago until Monday.


Jamie the boys and I got of the train and started toured the castle.

"Is it just me or does it look prettier every year?" Jamie asked.

"It's not just you." I answered. "I don't understand why some people don't like it here."

"Because they have to deal with you." Remus said.

"Hay! Moony I try okay." I said.

"Keep telling yourself that star."

"I hate you."

"We all know that's not true."

"Race you!" James said taking off.

"Prongs!" I said running after him. Let me tell you we only raced to the bottom of the stairs. I twisted my ankle in our second year racing James.

"I won!" James said.

"Barely." I said.

"Guys stop messing around." Remus said. "You're gonna make us late."

I opened the doors to the great hall walking over to the Gryffindor table not caring that most of the hall was staring at me and the boy's.

"Why are you guys so late McGonagal just went to get the first years. " Jamie asked as me and the boys sat down.

"What can I say." I said. " I am very good at being fashionably late.

"By that she means she had to make us late." Remus said from beside me.

"I have a question." I said raising my hand." when did you sneak away because you were there and then you weren't. "

"I left when you and Remus were arguing."

"Arguing? We don't argue." I said.

"We strongly disagree." Remus said.

"If that's what you call it."

The sorting ceremony was long I got bored I can't tell you anything I got distracted by trying to count all the stars on the ceiling gave up and did something else.

*time jump.

"Star calm down." Remus said I sighed and collapsed on the couch. It had been two days since school started and my mum was already being a pain. I hadn't been able to sleep and had gone down into the common room. Remus and James had been playing a game of chess.

"Star are you okay?" James asked.

"Ya I'm fine." I lied anger in my voice. I sat up, James and Remus sat the both sides of me. I'll tell you the truth I had a mental brake down. James and Remus know what to do this wasn't the first time they had witnessed it happen.

Sellena BlackWhere stories live. Discover now