Chapter one

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"Come on G, let's head on to the store so you can get your stuff." Bacon says as he sits in the driver seat waiting for Zak.

"Yeah I'm coming" Zak says as he's snap chatting, while wearing his usual all black clothing and his hat on.

They head on over to the groceries store to pick up some food for later on an investigation. After getting a few things around the store bacon decided to smoke outside for a bit while he can. Zak hated when bacon smoked so when he passes by a rubber ball stand he decides to play a devious trick on bacon when he comes back in.


"C'mon (y/n)! I told Simon you weren't big on being alone so I told him to meet you at the groceries store you love so much. He's really nice!" (Your sibling name) says as (he/she) explains your blind date set up with a friend of a friend's. You roll your eyes and look for more outfits to wear for the date. You had never had a real boyfriend and (y/s/n) met her friends friend and decided to try to be a matchmaker.

"But I hardly know the guy, what if he's a jerk?"

"Then I'll beat his ass, no one gets to hurt you"

"But I'm..i-i Just don't think he will like me when he sees me" you look at the curves of your body in the full length mirror in front of you, you see every bump and swerve that even a car wouldn't drive had you been a road.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you are beautiful as you are and I don't want to hear another doubt about that" (he/she) points their finger at you and you quietly nod and continue clothes searching. You loved your sibling but they sure do scare the shit out of you when needed to.

"How about this one?" You say as you show (him/her) a lace blue and white flower dress with holes where the top of your arms would be, almost looks like short sleeves but split into two.

"Perfect, now you're beautiful without any makeup but I AM going to apply some eyeliner" after getting dolled up, (y/s/n) drops you off at the grocery store and drives away, leaving you panicked and excited.

Excited? Why would I be excited? I hardly know the guy..but it's this place that's getting me excited for some reason. Like I was meant to be here at this moment.

Shaking your head of the thought, you head into the store and notice your an hour early. You decided you might as well look around to kill time til your date arrives.


You decided to walk around the art section to find some materials for a later inspiration. You loved to be artistic and free, it was really a passion but you felt like something was missing today. After finding some sketchbooks and pencils for yourself you decided to head on towards the toys section to find a new disney toy for your room collection. Suddenly you felt a big whack on your face causing you to fall back on the ground leading you to drop your art supplies all over the floor.

"Shit are you okay miss?"

You kept hearing faint voices as you tried to open your eyes but the headache you felt was so bad you couldn't open them. You suddenly felt a pair of large hands take their course under your legs while the other hand on your back, carrying you bridal style to a seat.

"Miss?" You still couldn't open your eyes much but you waved a bit to prove you heard the voice. The sound of your art supplies being laid next to you on the seat was all you could hear.

"Hey listen it was an accident I'm so sorry. Please don't sue me" you chuckled a bit at the last part and waved the voice off as you shook your head.

"I-i dont..I have to.." crap you had to find your date soon. Your tried to get up but the same hands had you back on the seat.

"Stay here, I hit you kind of hard please let me make it up to you. Here." The voice tried to offer you something that felt like paper but you couldn't see it. You finally realized it was a wad of cash in the palm of your hand.

It's Not About The Money {Zak Bagans x PSR}Where stories live. Discover now